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Kafka Connector Test Framework

CI/CD Test

GitHub Action is used for CI/CD test. The workflows can be found in .github/workflows. Currently, there are 5 workflows:

End2EndTestApacheAws.yml : Run unit test. Then run end to end test on Apache 2.5.0. Test against Snowflake with on AWS. Run on all PRs.

End2EndTestApacheAzure.yml : Same with the previous workflow but test with Snowflake deployed on AZURE.

End2EndTestConfluentAws.yml : Run unit test. Then run end to end test on Confluent 5.5.0. Test against Snowflake with on AWS. Run on all PRs.

End2EndTestConfluentAzure.yml : Same with the previous workflow but test with Snowflake deployed on AZURE.

IntegrationTestAws.yml : Run unit and integration test. Test against Snowflake with on AWS. Run on all PRs.

IntegrationTestAzure.yml : Same with the previous workflow but test with Snowflake deployed on AZURE.

End2EndTestFull.yml : Run unit test and integration test. Then run end to end test on Confluent 5.2.0, 5.4.0, and 5.5.0 and Apache 2.2.0, 2.4.0, and 2.5.0. Test with Snowflake deployed on AWS. Executed daily, checkout the most recent master branch.

End2EndTestFullAzure.yml : Same with the previous workflow but test with Snowflake deployed on AZURE.

PerfTest.yml : Run performance test with Snowflake deployed on AWS.

StressTest.yml: Run unit test. Then run stress test on Confluent 5.5.0 with Snowflake deployed on AWS.

Manage secrets

All test requires a profile.json to execute, which contains username and private key to login into Snowflake. On GitHub Action this file is encrypted and in each workflow, there is a step called Decrypt profile.json to dectypt the file for testing.

Unit Test

Unit test can be run by mvn package -Dgpg.skip=true. Idealy it should only test function input and output and should not require Snowflake connections. But currently unit test also requires profile.josn to execute, due to test splition. All test files in the test folder that does not end with IT are executed as unit test. Unit test takes less than one minute to execute.

Integration Test

Integration test can be run by mvn verify -Dgpg.skip=true. Integration test will conver all test files in the maven test folder src/test, including unit test files. Integration test usually takes 20-30 minutes to run.

End to End Test

End to end test spin up an actual Kafka cluster, then send records to Kafka and verify records shows up in Snowflake. To run the test, first make sure evironment variableSNOWFLAKE_CREDENTIAL_FILE is set export SNOWFLAKE_CREDENTIAL_FILE="path/to/profile.json". Then cd test to enter the test folder. End to end test is splited into two steps - building jar file and executing.

./ <path/to/snowflake-git-repo> <package/verify>
Build the current repo and only run unit test:
	./ ../../snowflake-kafka-connector package
Checkout from GitHub master and run integration test:

The above command build a jar file and put it at /usr/local/share/kafka/plugins. Then the following command will spin up Kafka and Kafka Connect cluster and execute the test suits.

./run_test_<confluent/apache>.sh <version> <path to apache config folder> <stress> <ssl>
Run end to end test on Confluent 5.5.0 with stress test, without ssl
	./ 5.5.0 ./apache_properties true
Run end to end test on Apache 2.2.0 without stress test, with ssl
	./ 2.2.0 ./apache_properties_ssl false true

Note: if ssl is set to true, path to apache config folder must be apache_properties_ssl instead of apache_properties

Inside the run test script there are five steps: starting cluster, generating connector configuration, sending records, verifying result, and cleaning up test.

Step 1: Start Cluster

The script will download and unzip Confluent/Apache Kafka with specified versions. After that it will spawn threads in the background to start Zookeeper, Kafka, and Kafka Connect. If it is Confluent Kafka, it spins up Schema Registry as well.

All components contain only a single node. Their configurations can be found in folder test/apache_properties or test/apache_properties_ssl. If SSL is enabled, we also generate SSL certificates on the fly and use that to encrypt the whole Kafka server and clients.

Step 2: Generate Connector Configuration

Connector configurations in folder test/rest_request_template has a one to one correspondence with test cases in folder test/test_suit. For example, if a connector is created with test/rest_request_template/travis_correct_json_json.json, then the python class that send records to the connector and verify results is defined in test/test_suit/

During execution, the driver program test/ will replace capitalized words such as SNOWFLAKE_TEST_TOPIC and CONFLUENT_SCHEMA_REGISTRY in the template json file with the actual values.

Step 3: Send Records defines a cless TestJsonJson, which has three major APIs: send, verify and clean. The driver test/ will call the three APIs sequentially to send records, verity they appear at snowflake and clean up the test.

Records are sent to a specific partition of a corresponding partition in the topic. The corresponding connector consume the topic and send record to Snowflake.

Step 4: Verify Result

The test class verify three things:

  • Row count in Snowflake table equals the sent record number
  • The first record in the table equals the sent record
  • In the end internal stages are cleaned up

Verifying internal stages are cleaned up is tricky. When there is no more record in Kafka, Kafka Connect will close the connector. Resulting in cleaner not having enough time to purge the ingested files from the internal stage. Therefore we only verify this on trivial test cases. In large test cases travis_pressure_restart and travis_pressure_string_json we don't verify that internal stage is cleaned up.

Step 5: Clean Up

After the test we delete table/stage/pipe and then kill the thread of Zookeeper, Kafka, Kafka Connect and Schema Registry. Manuel clean up can be executed by the following command:

python3 localhost:9094 http://localhost:8081 localhost:8083 clean 5.5.0 _8dl9 false false

Everytime we run the test, a four digit random sub-string will be appended to the corresponding test table/stage/pipe, in order to avoid two tests running in parallel collide with each other. Therefore, we only need to change the suffix, which, in the above example, is _8dl9, to the suffix that we want to clean up. All other parameters are dummy and does not affect the cleaning.

End to End Testcases

Test Name Key Converter Value Converter Topic # Partition # per Topic Record # per Partition SinkTask # Execution Time Frequency Notes
travis_correct_avro_avro SnowflakeAvroConverterWithoutSchemaRegistry SnowflakeAvroConverterWithoutSchemaRegistry 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR
travis_correct_avrosr_avrosr SnowflakeAvroConverter SnowflakeAvroConverter 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR
travis_correct_json_json SnowflakeJsonConverter SnowflakeJsonConverter 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR
travis_correct_native_complex_smt StringConverter JsonConverter (native) 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR SMTs: ValueToKey ExtractField$Key ReplaceField$Value
travis_correct_native_string_avrosr StringConverter AvroConverter (native) 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR
travis_correct_native_string_json_without_schema StringConverter JsonConverter (native) 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR
travis_correct_native_string_protobuf StringConverter ProtobufConverter (blueapron) 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR
travis_correct_string_avro StringConverter SnowflakeAvroConverterWithoutSchemaRegistry 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR
travis_correct_string_avrosr StringConverter SnowflakeAvroConverter 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR
travis_correct_string_json StringConverter SnowflakeJsonConverter 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Every PR
travis_pressure_restart StringConverter SnowflakeJsonConverter 10 3 200,000 3 < 10 Mins Daily Restarts connector every minute while consuming
travis_pressure_string_json StringConverter SnowflakeJsonConverter 200 12 40,000 10 < 4 Hours Weekly
travis_correct_confluent_protobuf_protobuf ProtobufConverter (Confluent) ProtobufConverter (Confluent) 1 1 100 1 < 4 Mins Manually Only works with Confluent version >= 5.5.0.

Daily Full Version Test

Full version test aims at providing Confluent and Apache Kafka version coverage. End2EndTestFull.yml and End2EndTestFullAzure.yml defines two workflows in GitHub Action that run daily. Master branch in checkout in the workflow and the following versions are tested:

Confluent Version Apache Version
5.2.0 2.2.0
5.4.0 2.4.0
5.5.0 2.5.0

Performance Test

Performance test is defined in test/perf_test. In the test we send 1G of data to Snowflake in different formats. To run the performance manually: under folder /test/perf_test:

  1. make sure snowflake.json is under /test/perf_test/config
  2. run ./scripts/

In the performance test we start Kafka Connect with Confluent package. The Kafka Connect is single node and in stand-alone mode. There are two input dataset, both of size 1G. One dataset contains 300 columns and the other dataset has < 10 columns but much more rows. The two dataset are casted into JSON, AVRO, and AVRO file input format. Resulting in 6 different tests.

The Snowflake connector takes around 20 minutes to ingest 1G of data no matter what the input format is. 6 test takes around 2 hours to finish. Most of the time is spent on fetching data from Kafka as well as Snowpipe ingestion.

Performance test is run daily and we manully check whether there is abnormal bahaviour in the running time of the test. As long as the test takes around 2 hours to finish, there is no big performance change.

Stress Test

Stress test is a test case in end to end test framework. For stress test, the basic Kafka and Kafka Connect cluster configurations are the same with end to end test, which is single node Kafka and Kafka Connect cluster. The test case is run weekly with GitHub Action workflow defined in StressTest.yml. To run the stress test manually, follow the build step of end to end test, then execute:

./ 5.5.0 ./apache_properties true

In the test we open 2400 partitions and send 40,000 records in total to each partition. 40,000 records are sent in 4 rounds. In each round 10,000 records are sent, the framework verify that the 10,000 records shows up in Snowflake before it starts to send the next round.

Regression Test

Jenkins is used for regression test. The seed job is of name ConnectorRegressRunner. In regression test we checkout code from GitHub and run unit test and integration test. We build the connector and test against Snowflake deployed on preprod3. This test helps us to identify breaking change in Snowflake before Snowflake releases. There are three sub-jobs:

ConnectorRegress_kafka_v1.4.3: test Kafka Connector version 1.4.3.

ConnectorRegress_kafka_v1.5.0: test Kafka Connector version 1.5.0.

ConnectorRegress_kafka_master: test Kafka Connector most recent master branch.

Related file short description

Files in directory .github/scripts

  • Decrypt profile.json for integration test and end to end test.

  • perf_test.json.gpg: Encrypted profile.json for performance test.

  • Decrypt profile.json for performance test.

  • profile.json.gpg: Encrypted profile.json for integration test and end to end test for AWS deployment

  • profile_azure.json.gpg: Encrypted profile.json for integration test and end to end test for Azure deployment

Folders and files in directory test/

  • apache_properties/: Configurations for Kafka, Zookeepers, Kafka Connect, etc.
  • apache_properties_ssl/: Configurations for Kafka cluster with SSL enabled.
  • helm_values/: Configuration for Kafka cluster deplyed with Kubernetes.
  • perf_test/: Performance test file.
  • rest_request_template/: Connector configuration file for end to end test.
  • test_data/: Avro/Profobuf data for end to end test.
  • test_suit/: End to end test cases.
  • Build connector jar file.
  • Build a container with the connector jar file and push that to local Docker repo.
  • Generate SSL key on the fly for testing with SSL enabled.
  • Run end to end test on Apache Kafka.
  • Run end to end test on Confluent Kafka.
  • Run end to end test on Confluent Kafka deployed on Kubernetes.
  • Setup Kubernetes environment.
  • Driver program for calling test cases defiled in folder test_suit/.
  • Common shell functions.

How to check code coverage

Visit this link for basic information:

This link for compare two commit or compare master vs master@ 5 days ago.