It is a ray tracer built upon CUDA and OpenGL, working on both float16 and float32. OpenGL is used to generate gbuffer while CUDA is used to do anything else, including tracing, shading, samping and denoising.
- glTF loader (meshes, materials, TRS animations, lights, cameras)
- scene manager
- graphic user interface
- float16 and float32 ray tracing algorithm
- shader (metallic-roughness PBR, skybox, importance sampling)
- denoiser (SVGF)
This software is designed to work on Windows. But it will not be so hard to port this software to Linux. A CUDA-capable GPU is required.
- CUDA Toolkit (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads)
- Thrust (Shipped with CUDA Toolkit)
- GLFW3 (See instructions below)
- OpenGL (Shipped with graphics drivers usually)
- glm (See instructions below)
- half (in
) - glad (in
) - imgui (in
) - tinygltf (in
) - stb_image (in
Download and install the CUDA Toolkit. Refer to https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads for a download link and detailed instructions.
Install GLFW3 and glm manually. We recommend installing them using vcpkg
. Refer to
https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg for detailed instruction.
Other dependencies do not require manual installation, theoretically.
This project is organized by CMake. Consult Google for common knowledge about CMake itself. The following commands introduce a possible way to configure this project.
cd ray-tracer
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=60 -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
could be set to any value between 60
and the compute
capability that your graphics card supports. The latter one is recommended. Please
refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA fora table of compute capabilities and
corresponding graphics cards.
means generator. Invoke cmake --help
to see a full list of supported generators.
This software is tested on Visual Studio 16 2019, but other generators should be also
prefectly OK if you don't mind fix some potential slight compiling errors.
Double click the solution file (.sln
) if you have adopted a Visual Studio generator.
Build this software using Visual Studio.
Clone the git project into a local directory. Open the directory using Visual Studio as
a CMake project. Click Project
- CMake Settings
Select ray-tracer.exe
as the target and run it.
It is a graphic user interface application. Double click the executable or run the it from Visual Studio directly.
Click Free Camera
in order to move or rotate the camera. WASD,E,C is used to controll
the position of camera. Drag while the right key of mouse is entered if you want to change
the orientation of the camera.