This project helps reminder the users when there are personalized available space for their driving test in College Town of TAMU.
- Firefox Browser
- Ruby on Rails
- Ruby(4.2.2)
- Python
Open the terminal:
Clone the repo:
$git clone ~/sample_app
Change directory:
$cd ~/sample_app
Installing Rails with a specific version number:
gem install rails -v 4.2.2
install the gems using:
$bundle install —-without production
migrate the database:
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
run the local web server:
$rails s
Now the application should be available on the local server:
Click the button:Get Started Now!
Enter Your Information: Your name, Your email, and the expected date you want to take the driving license test(According to the website of DPS, you can only input the date 90 days from now) And then click create
Change directory:
$cd ~/sample_app/db
execute the
Top structure of Database
Availibility Table
- You will receive a notification only if your expecting date is available. For test purpose, You should check the available date in DPS website or our datebase before you type in your information.
- so far, this application is used for Byran DPS only.
- To obey the rules, we declare that the Front end UI framework is create several days ago, which we used in another project.
software structure
Finally, we give you the software structure of our App.