A snatch n grab script for FiveM. This currently works only with QB Core, but there are plans to extend out to any framework/standalone soon.
Need to grab a player in your server and bring them to a specific location? Use this script, by simply running a command, a transport of two NPCs (a driver and a snatcher) will go to the player's location and grab them then bring them to the location where the caller is. Receive real time notifications throughout the process to keep track of exactly where in the process the transport is. This script is very configurable, and is open source so you can make any adjustment you need to fit your server.
- qb-core
- ox_lib
Download the zip of the main branch and drop into your resources folder and ensure:
ensure ir8-snatch
IR8 = {}
IR8.Config = {
-- Enable/disable prints for logs
Debugging = false,
-- Event related vars
ServerCallbackPrefix = "ir8-snatch:Server", -- Change this if you rename the resource folder
ClientCallbackPrefix = "ir8-snatch:Client", -- Change this if you rename the resource folder
-- Command information
Commands = {
-- Starting a snatch command
SnatchInitiate = "snatch",
SnatchInitiateDescription = "Snatches a player",
-- Canceling a snatch command
SnatchCancel = "snatchcancel",
SnatchCancelDescription = "Cancels a snatch in progress",
-- Permissions for commands
Permissions = {
PedsHaveWeapons = true,
PedWeaponAmmo = 200,
-- Driver NPC model hash
DriverModel = 's_m_y_swat_01',
-- Snatcher NPC model hash
SnatcherModel = 's_m_y_swat_01',
-- Vehicle model for transport
VehicleModel = 'fbi2',
-- Default destination if caller calls on self.
Destination = vector3(410.78, -1003.54, 29.27),
-- Takes player to the destination of the caller if enabled.
-- If not enabled, it will default to the destination coords defined above in Destination
CallerDestinationEnabled = true,
-- Build Configurations
BlipCount = 900,
-- AI Configuration
AI = {
-- Amount of miliseconds before player is warped into vehcile
TimeoutBeforeWarpIntoVehicle = 30000, -- Thirty seconds by default
-- AI Ped configuration
Peds = {
Invincible = true,
Accuracy = 85,
Armor = 100,
AlwaysFlee = false,
AlwaysFight = true,
CanFightArmedPedsWhenNotArmed = true,
AlwaysEquipBestWeapon = true,
CanUseCover = true
-- AI Vehicle Configuration
Vehicle = {
Invincible = true,
Notifications = {
PlayerNotAvailable = "Player does not exist, or is not online",
SnatchStarted = "Snatching is in progress"
Please do not rename the files in the client/steps
folder. These are named for order of inclusion. Renaming may result in unwanted results.
/snatch [playerid]
- Initiates the snatching of the target player
- Cancels a snatch in progress