- ADFES, KDEF, MMI, CK+ (all available online with educational license), and FER if you want to do CNN training
Many scripts to create 48x48 images out of the given datasets.
Run nonCNN_unbalanced_dataset.m
to get a smaller but higher-resolution, more balanced dataset
Related scripts before running nonCNN_unbalanced_dataset
and load_MMI_take_away_disgust.m
(requires download in certain folders of different datasets)
The non-CNN methods are executed in MATLAB.
heatmap toolbox for confusion matrices
Run trainClassifier.m
to get back a trained classifier and display a confusion matrix for you! - options to change from LDA to SVM.
change trainClassifier.m
if you want to also train a model with blurred images, and then test with blurred images.
= type, sizes, orientations
- the model classifier
= type, sizes, orientations - the components for this certain model (for transformation purposes)
make sure you put this in your bash:
export PYTHONPATH=~/path/to/cs_99_code/PYTHON/InvertedLayerRandom:$PYTHONPATH
so that when you run caffe train, you can add the inverted layer in!