This repository contains all the code used during my research project at KNMI for the Climate Physics master between february 2021 and february 2022. The research focusses on the long-term wind contribution to sea level rise along the Dutch coast.
The project is splitted in four subparts. First, the wind influence on sea level rise is analysed using three regression models. These models use either wind or pressure data to obtain the wind contribution to interannual sea level trend and variability. These results show a wind-driven multi-decadal mode of sea level variability. To identify large-scale drivers of this variability, as a second and third step the influence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) and North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) on sea level rise are investigated. As a final step, the regression analysis between wind/pressure and sea level using the three regression models is executed again using CMIP6 climate model data and their results are combined with climate model projections for different future scenarios to make projections of the wind influence for the 21st century.
The project is splitted in directories refering to the subparts of the project. 'Wind_contribution' includes the notebooks and code for the regression analysis between sea level and wind 'AMV' includes the notebooks and code for the regression analysis between AMV data and wind contribution to sea level rise 'SST' includes the notebooks and code for the regression analysis between SST data and wind contribution to sea level rise 'Projections' includes the notebooks and code for the projections of the wind influence on sea level rise for the 21st century.