- repo_observer.py -- Checks the repo for changes and notifies the dispatcher
- dispatcher.py -- Receives test requests and dispatches them to test runners
- test_runner.py -- Runs the tests and returns the results to dispatcher
- helpers.py -- Holds shared code
- update_repo.sh -- Updates the shared repo and drops a new file with the hash if there's a change
- test_runner_script.sh -- Updates the test runner's repository to the given commit hash
- run_or_fail.sh -- Helper method used in update_repo.sh and test_runner_script.sh
mkdir test_repo
cd test_repo
git init
Create a folder named tests in test_repo and in that create some testing scripts using unittest and then commit it
import unittest
class TestFileFail(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fail(self):
self.fail("I will fail. Yay!")
git clone test_repo_clone_obs
git clone test_repo_clone_runner
python3 dispatcher.py
In a new shell start test_runner.py (Default port:8900->9000) along with location of test_repo_clone_runner
python3 test_runner.py test_repo_clone_runner
Lastly, in another new shell start repo_observer.py with the address of dispatcher server and location of test_repo_clone_obs
python3 repo_observer.py --dispatcher-server=localhost:8888 test_repo_clone_obs
cd test_repo
touch file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "."