This repository contains all data and code for the experiments for the paper "A New Non-archimedan Metric on Persistent Homology" by myself and Atabey Kaygun.
Python 3.7.8
- Numpy 1.18.5
- Scipy 1.5.4
- Pandas 1.0.4
- Matplotlib 3.2.1
- GUDHI 3.2.0
SageMath 9.1 Shell
R 3.6.3
- TDA 1.6.9
- vegan 2.5.6
- repr 1.1.0
- dendextend 1.13.4
This code is for obtaining topological features (intervals) of point clouds by using different algorithm such as GUDHI and Dionysus2
- On terminal, type
Rscript 1_Data2Diagram_GUDHI_Dionysus.R
This code is for visualizing the output of persistent homology as intervals. The output consists of barcodes created by two different libraries on the same data.
- On terminal, type
Here, we obtain the filtered Vietoris Rips complex by using GUDHI library.
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This code calculates the homological distance matrix.
- On SageMath shell, type
sage 4_Rips2Homological_Distance.sage 24 0 0 0.30 0.01
- sample size = 24
- degree of homology = 0
- epsilon start = 0
- epsilon end = 0.30
- epsilon step = 0.01
Here, this code compares the two dendrograms one from the hierarchical clustering and one from the zeroth persistent homology. The output is the result of the Mantel Test.
- On terminal, type
Rscript 5_Compare_Dendrogram.R