react-virtualized-pivot is a React.js pivot UI built on top of react-virtualized and quick-pivot.
The demo uses ~24.7mb uncompressed .csv, 269,372 rows by 9 columns (2,424,348 cells) of 2007-2012 Declined Loan data provided by Lending Club.
Install react-virtualized-pivot
using npm.
npm install react-virtualized-pivot --save
import Pivot from 'react-virtualized-pivot';
// Be sure to include styles at some point, probably during your bootstrapping
import 'react-virtualized-pivot/dist/commonjs/styles.css';
['name', 'gender', 'house', 'age'],
['Jon', 'm', 'Stark', 14],
['Arya', 'f', 'Stark', 10],
['Cersei', 'f', 'Baratheon', 38],
['Tywin', 'm', 'Lannister', 67],
['Tyrion', 'm', 'Lannister', 34],
['Joffrey', 'm', 'Baratheon', 18],
['Bran', 'm', 'Stark', 8],
['Jaime', 'm', 'Lannister', 32],
['Sansa', 'f', 'Stark', 12],
You can also use a global-friendly UMD build:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to-react-virtualized-pivot/dist/umd/styles.css">
<script src="path-to-react-virtualized-pivot/dist/umd/react-virtualized-pivot.js"></script>
accepts the following props:
(required)- An array of arrays (first array will be your column headers)
- An array of objects (keys of the object are your column headers)
- A function that transforms the display value of the body cell. The function provides an object as a parameter with the following properties:
- rowIndex: the row index of the cell
- columnIndex: the column index of the cell
- value: the original value of the cell
- A function that transforms the display value of the body cell. The function provides an object as a parameter with the following properties:
- An object with components to adjust colors of as keys and the corresponding color as a string. The following components are available for color selection (shown with their default selection):
- bodyGridBackground: '#fff'
- bodyGridText:'#000'
- columnResizer: '#e0e0e0'
- evenRowBackground: '#fff'
- gridBorders: '#e0e0e0'
- headerGridBackground:'#fafafa'
- headerGridText:'#000'
- icons: '#ccc'
- leftSideGridBackground: '#fff'
- leftSideGridText:'#000'
- leftHeaderCellBackground:'#fafafa'
- leftHeaderCellText: '#000'
- oddRowBackground: '#fafafa'
- selectorContainerTitleBackground: '#fafafa'
- selectorContainerTitleText: '#000'
- sortableContainerBackground: '#fff'
- sortableContainerBorderColor: '#ccc'
- sortableFieldBackground: '#fafafa'
- sortableFieldText: '#000'
- An object with components to adjust colors of as keys and the corresponding color as a string. The following components are available for color selection (shown with their default selection):
- A function that is fired when clicking on a grid cell. The function provides an object as a parameter with the following properties:
- rowIndex: the row index of the cell clicked
- columnIndex: the column index of the cell clicked
- children: all the children values of the cell clicked
- childrenData: all the children data points that make up the cell clicked
- rowHeaders: all the parent row headers above the current clicked cell and at the current cell
- columnHeaders: all the column headers at the clicked cell
- A function that is fired when clicking on a grid cell. The function provides an object as a parameter with the following properties:
- A function that is fired when clicking on a column header. The function provides an object as a parameter with the following properties:
- rowIndex: the row index of the column header clicked
- columnIndex: the column index of the column header clicked
- A function that is fired when clicking on a column header. The function provides an object as a parameter with the following properties:
- A function that is fired when clicking on a row header (the left hand column). The function provides an object as a parameter with the following properties:
- rowIndex: the row index of the row header cell clicked
- columnIndex: the column index of the row header cell clicked
- children: all the children values of the row header cell clicked
- childrenData: all the children data points that make up the row header cell clicked
- rowHeaders: all the parent row headers above the current clicked row header cell and at the current cell
- A function that is fired when clicking on a row header (the left hand column). The function provides an object as a parameter with the following properties:
- A function that is fired when clicking on the top left most cell (above the row headers and to the left of the column headers)
import React from 'react';
import Pivot from 'react-virtualized-pivot';
import 'react-virtualized-pivot/dist/es/styles.css';
const data = [
['name', 'gender', 'house', 'age'],
['Jon', 'm', 'Stark', 14],
['Arya', 'f', 'Stark', 10],
['Cersei', 'f', 'Baratheon', 38],
['Tywin', 'm', 'Lannister', 67],
['Tyrion', 'm', 'Lannister', 34],
['Joffrey', 'm', 'Baratheon', 18],
['Bran', 'm', 'Stark', 8],
['Jaime', 'm', 'Lannister', 32],
['Sansa', 'f', 'Stark', 12],
const colorPack = {
columnResizer: '#e0e0e0',
sortableFieldBackground: '#fafafa',
sortableFieldText: '#000',
sortableContainerBackground: '#fff',
sortableContainerBorderColor: '#ccc',
selectorContainerTitleBackground: '#fafafa',
selectorContainerTitleText: '#000',
leftHeaderCellBackground: '#fafafa',
leftHeaderCellText: '#000',
headerGridBackground: '#fafafa',
headerGridText: '#000',
leftSideGridBackground: '#fff',
leftSideGridText: '#000',
bodyGridBackground: '#fff',
bodyGridText: '#000',
evenRowBackground: '#fff',
oddRowBackground: '#fafafa',
gridBorders: '#e0e0e0',
icons: '#ccc',
function bodyCellValueTransformation({value}) {
if (value > 10) return 'i am greater than 10';
return value;
function onGridCellClick({rowIndex, columnIndex, children, childrenData, rowHeaders, columnHeaders}) {
console.log('clicked on body cell');
console.log('rowIndex', rowIndex);
console.log('columnIndex', columnIndex);
console.log('children', children);
console.log('childrenData', childrenData);
console.log('rowHeaders', rowHeaders);
console.log('columnHeaders', columnHeaders);
function onLeftGridCellClick({rowIndex, columnIndex, children, childrenData, rowHeaders, columnHeaders}) {
console.log('clicked on a left row header');
console.log('rowIndex', rowIndex);
console.log('columnIndex', columnIndex);
console.log('children', children);
console.log('childrenData', childrenData);
console.log('rowHeaders', rowHeaders);
console.log('columnHeaders', columnHeaders);
function onGridHeaderCellClick({rowIndex, columnIndex}) {
console.log('clicked on column header');
console.log('rowIndex', rowIndex);
console.log('columnIndex', columnIndex);
function onLeftHeaderCellClick() {
console.log('clicked on the top left corner cell');
Please contribute to the project, including this README.