pip install -r requirements.txt
- Generate CelebA with the following script.
bash ./scripts/prepare_dataset/create_celeba.sh
- Generate UrbanCars dataset with the following repository.
- Locate it under the path ./data.
- Download BFFHQ from this link and locate it under the path ./data.
- Unzip the BFFHQ.zip
- You can train the model of Echoes using the following commands.
- [Optional] Turn on --wandb to use wandb for logging.
- Please complete entity information before using WandB, otherwise you will get an error.
# Smiling
python trainers/lancher.py --dataset=celeba --target_id=31 --method=echoes --t_error=0.5 --alpha=0.5 --seed=1 --amp
# Narrow Eyes
python trainers/lancher.py --dataset=celeba --target_id=23 --method=echoes --t_error=0.5 --alpha=0.5 --seed=1 --amp
# Arched Eyebrows
python trainers/lancher.py --dataset=celeba --target_id=1 --method=echoes --t_error=0.5 --alpha=0.5 --seed=1 --amp
python trainers/lancher.py --dataset=urbancars --method=echoes --t_error=0.3 --alpha=0.5 --seed=1 --amp
# 0.5 pct
python single_bias_trainers/lancher.py --dataset=bffhq_0.5pct --method=echoes --t_error=0.5 --alpha=0.5 --seed=1 --amp
# 1.0 pct
python single_bias_trainers/lancher.py --dataset=bffhq_1pct --method=echoes --t_error=0.5 --alpha=0.5 --seed=1 --amp
# 2.0 pct
python single_bias_trainers/lancher.py --dataset=bffhq_2pct --method=echoes --t_error=0.5 --alpha=0.5 --seed=1 --amp