Dante server install on Ubuntu 24.04 22.04 20.04
Just three shell commands:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/itcrab/dante-install/master/dante-install.sh
chmod +x dante-install.sh
Main goal is setup one closed server for using only as socs-proxy-server.
- Install Dante-server;
- Select IP/PORT server for configuration;
- Select users count for creating;
- Update Ubuntu packages;
- Install some base packages (fail2ban, mc, btop):
- Ubuntu 20.04: E: Unable to locate package btop.
- Emable hard security feature:
- fail2ban config: SSH and Dante.
- Install ufw firewall and setup it for SSH and Dante ports;
- Provide test connection curl command in the end;
- Support last three LTS Ubuntu versions.
Coming soon...