Integration with project/issue tracker to ease management. The worklogs and projects are synced from a project tracker (e.g. Jira).
The project consists of the following parts:
- Invoices: Create invoices for projects and clients. These can consist of manual invoice entries and invoice entries created from worklogs.
- Project Billing: Automatically create invoices from a project for a given period.
- Planning: Overview of planned work for the coming sprints.
- Sprint Report: Detailed overview of the work for a given project/version.
- Projects: Overview of which projects to work with in the system.
- Project Creator: Create a new project in the Project Tracker.
graph TD;
The system is build around Invoices. Each invoice is connected to a project and consists of invoice entries. The output is a .csv file.
Projects, clients, accounts, issues and worklogs are synchronized from a project tracker.
Invoice entries can be manual entries or connected to a number of worklogs from a project tracker.
Project billing can create a number of invoices for a given project for a given project. Only issues from the project tracker that have a connected account will be included. This is used to create invoices for the Support project, where issues are billed to different accounts.
Economics depends on data fra external systems. The integrations with external systems are called Data Providers.
Each Data Provider integration should implement App\Interface\DataProviderServiceInterface
The data synchronization is handled by symfony messenger. This is handled differently in development and production.
Supervisor is added to docker-compose.server.override.yaml
to make sure the job queue is running.
Symfony scheduler is used for creating a new job each hour at minute 5. See App\Command\QueueSyncCommand
In development the job queue should be run manually.
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console messenger:consume async -vv --failure-limit 1
Jobs can be queued manually with App\Command\QueueSyncCommand
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:queue-sync
Jobs can also be queued in the admin interface in the bottom left corner.
In production jobs are queued automatically each hour.
Getting started:
docker compose pull
docker compose run --rm node npm install
docker compose up --detach
docker compose exec phpfpm composer install
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
Set create .env.local
with the following values set
###> Project tracker connection ###
###< Project tracker connection ###
###> itk-dev/openid-connect-bundle ###
###< itk-dev/openid-connect-bundle ###
Sync projects and accounts.
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:sync-projects
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:sync-accounts
Visit /admin/project and "include" the projects that should be synchronized in the installation.
Then sync issues and worklogs
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:sync-issues
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:sync-worklogs
The node container will watch for code changes in the assets
folder and
docker compose logs --tail 0 --follow node
to see the compilation log, e.g. to detect errors.
Copy database from JiraEconomics.
Run migrate-from-jira-economics:
bin/console app:migrate-from-jira-economics
to prepare the database. This will remove a couple of tables and add the doctrine_migration_versions table with the Version20230101000000 migration marked as already run.
Execute the remaining migrations:
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Run synchronizations:
bin/console app:sync-projects bin/console app:sync-accounts
Run migrate-customer to migrate from invoice.customerAccountId to invoice.client
bin/console app:migrate-customers
Visit /admin/project and "include" the projects that should be synchronized in the installation.
Synchronize issues and worklogs
bin/console app:sync-issues bin/console app:sync-worklogs
Each PR is reviewed with Github Actions.
Check coding standards with:
# Apply coding standards and run static analysis for php and twig
docker compose exec phpfpm composer coding-standards-check
# Check coding standards for assets and markdown
docker compose run --rm node npm run coding-standards-check
Apply some coding standards with:
# Apply coding standards and run static analysis for php and twig
docker compose exec phpfpm composer prepare-code
# Apply coding standards for assets and markdown
docker compose run --rm node npm run coding-standards-apply
We use Psalm for static code analysis:
docker compose exec phpfpm composer code-analysis
The test setup follows the guidelines from:
To run tests:
docker compose exec phpfpm composer tests
DoctrineFixtures are load each time phpunit is run. Between each test the initial state of the database is restored using DAMADoctrineTestBundle.
Build the assets locally
docker compose run --rm node npm run build
Copy the /public/build
folder to the server.
docker compose up --detach
docker compose exec phpfpm composer install --no-dev --classmap-authoritative
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Run synchronization with a cron process with a given interval to synchronize with the project tracker:
bin/console app:sync
This project uses issue tracker API's to create and get information about projects.
This code adheres to the
publiccode.yml standard by
including a publiccode.yml
metadata file that makes public
software easily discoverable. See publiccode.yml
for details.
Validate the publiccode.yml
file by running
docker run --interactive italia/publiccode-parser-go /dev/stdin < publiccode.yml
The validation is automatically performed by a GitHub Action whenever a pull
request is made (cf. .github/workflows/pr.yaml
We need an initial product import to get going. Use
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:product:import «CSV filename»
to import from a CSV file.
The CSV must contain the following headers: