A package for scraping terms and their definitions from the Urban Dictionary.
npm add urban-scraper
yarn add urban-scraper
pnpm add urban-scraper
// get a single term
await getTerm("urban");
// get multiple terms
await getTerm(["urban", "cool"]);
// get a specific term with markdown formatting
await getTerm("urban", { formatMarkdown: true });
// get multiple terms with markdown formatting
await getTerm(["urban", "cool"], { formatMarkdown: true });
// get a random term
await getRandom();
// get a random term with markdown formatting
await getRandom({ formatMarkdown: true });
found: true,
term: "Urban",
id: 11468038,
url: "https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Urban&defid=11468038",
description: "when ur too lazy to type out urban dictionary",
example: 'I wonder how urban dictionary is defined in the urban dictionary. hmmm. "urban....clicks enter"',
createdAt: 2017-04-22T00:00:00.000Z,
author: {
name: "fghjkm",
url: "https://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=fghjkm"
thumbs: { up: 8184, down: 911 }