Keep searching, reading webpages, reasoning until it finds the answer (or exceeding the token budget).
theme: mc
look: handDrawn
flowchart LR
subgraph Loop["until budget exceed"]
direction LR
Query(["Query"]) --> Loop
Search --> Read
Read --> Reason
Reason --> Search
Loop --> Answer(["Answer"])
We use gemini for llm, jina reader for searching and reading webpages.
export GEMINI_API_KEY=... # for gemini api, ask han
export JINA_API_KEY=jina_... # free jina api key, get from
git clone
cd node-DeepResearch
npm install
npm run dev $QUERY
Query: "what is the latest blog post's title from jina ai?"
3 steps; answer is correct!
Query: "what is the context length of readerlm-v2?"
2 steps; answer is correct!
Query: "list all employees from jina ai that u can find, as many as possible"
11 steps; partially correct! but im not in the list :(
Query: "who will be the biggest competitor of Jina AI"
42 steps; future prediction kind, so it's arguably correct! atm Im not seeing weaviate
as a competitor, but im open for the future "i told you so" moment.
More examples:
# example: no tool calling
npm run dev "1+1="
npm run dev "what is the capital of France?"
# example: 2-step
npm run dev "what is the latest news from Jina AI?"
# example: 3-step
npm run dev "what is the twitter account of jina ai's founder"
# example: 13-step, ambiguious question (no def of "big")
npm run dev "who is bigger? cohere, jina ai, voyage?"
# example: open question, research-like, long chain of thoughts
npm run dev "who will be president of US in 2028?"
npm run dev "what should be jina ai strategy for 2025?"
Start the server:
npm run serve
The server will start on http://localhost:3000 with the following endpoints:
Submit a query to be answered:
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/query \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"q": "what is the capital of France?",
"budget": 1000000,
"maxBadAttempt": 3
"requestId": "1234567890"
Connect to the Server-Sent Events stream to receive progress updates and the final answer:
curl -N http://localhost:3000/api/v1/stream/1234567890
The server will emit the following event types:
- Progress updates: Step number and budget usage
- Final answer with complete response data
- Error messages if something goes wrong
Example events:
data: {"type":"progress","trackers":{"tokenUsage":74950,"tokenBreakdown":{"agent":64631,"read":10319},"actionState":{"action":"search","think":"The provided text mentions several investors in Jina AI but doesn't specify ownership percentages. A direct search for ownership percentages is needed to answer the question definitively.","URLTargets":[],"answer":"","questionsToAnswer":[],"references":[],"searchQuery":"Jina AI investor ownership percentages"},"step":7,"badAttempts":0,"gaps":[]}}
data: {"type":"progress","trackers":{"tokenUsage":74950,"tokenBreakdown":{"agent":64631,"read":10319},"actionState":{"action":"search","think":"The provided text mentions several investors in Jina AI's funding rounds but doesn't specify ownership percentages. A search focusing on equity stakes and ownership percentages held by each investor will provide the necessary information to answer the main question.","URLTargets":[],"answer":"","questionsToAnswer":[],"references":[],"searchQuery":"Jina AI investor equity percentage ownership stake"},"step":8,"badAttempts":0,"gaps":[]}}
data: {"type":"progress","trackers":{"tokenUsage":88096,"tokenBreakdown":{"agent":77777,"read":10319},"actionState":{"action":"search","think":"The provided text mentions several investors in Jina AI's funding rounds but doesn't specify ownership percentages. A search focusing on equity stakes and ownership percentages held by each investor will provide the necessary information to answer the main question.","URLTargets":[],"answer":"","questionsToAnswer":[],"references":[],"searchQuery":"Jina AI investor equity percentage ownership stake"},"step":8,"badAttempts":0,"gaps":[]}}
To build the Docker image for the application, run the following command:
docker build -t deepresearch:latest .
To run the Docker container, use the following command:
docker run -p 3000:3000 --env GEMINI_API_KEY=your_gemini_api_key --env JINA_API_KEY=your_jina_api_key --env BRAVE_API_KEY=your_brave_api_key deepresearch:latest
You can also use Docker Compose to manage multi-container applications. To start the application with Docker Compose, run:
docker-compose up
Not sure a flowchart helps, but here it is:
flowchart TD
Start([Start]) --> Init[Initialize context & variables]
Init --> CheckBudget{Token budget<br/>exceeded?}
CheckBudget -->|No| GetQuestion[Get current question<br/>from gaps]
CheckBudget -->|Yes| BeastMode[Enter Beast Mode]
GetQuestion --> GenPrompt[Generate prompt]
GenPrompt --> ModelGen[Generate response<br/>using Gemini]
ModelGen --> ActionCheck{Check action<br/>type}
ActionCheck -->|answer| AnswerCheck{Is original<br/>question?}
AnswerCheck -->|Yes| EvalAnswer[Evaluate answer]
EvalAnswer --> IsGoodAnswer{Is answer<br/>definitive?}
IsGoodAnswer -->|Yes| HasRefs{Has<br/>references?}
HasRefs -->|Yes| End([End])
HasRefs -->|No| GetQuestion
IsGoodAnswer -->|No| StoreBad[Store bad attempt<br/>Reset context]
StoreBad --> GetQuestion
AnswerCheck -->|No| StoreKnowledge[Store as intermediate<br/>knowledge]
StoreKnowledge --> GetQuestion
ActionCheck -->|reflect| ProcessQuestions[Process new<br/>sub-questions]
ProcessQuestions --> DedupQuestions{New unique<br/>questions?}
DedupQuestions -->|Yes| AddGaps[Add to gaps queue]
DedupQuestions -->|No| DisableReflect[Disable reflect<br/>for next step]
AddGaps --> GetQuestion
DisableReflect --> GetQuestion
ActionCheck -->|search| SearchQuery[Execute search]
SearchQuery --> NewURLs{New URLs<br/>found?}
NewURLs -->|Yes| StoreURLs[Store URLs for<br/>future visits]
NewURLs -->|No| DisableSearch[Disable search<br/>for next step]
StoreURLs --> GetQuestion
DisableSearch --> GetQuestion
ActionCheck -->|visit| VisitURLs[Visit URLs]
VisitURLs --> NewContent{New content<br/>found?}
NewContent -->|Yes| StoreContent[Store content as<br/>knowledge]
NewContent -->|No| DisableVisit[Disable visit<br/>for next step]
StoreContent --> GetQuestion
DisableVisit --> GetQuestion
BeastMode --> FinalAnswer[Generate final answer] --> End