A Vue.js icon picker component to easily pick FontAwesome 5 Icons. Currently, only the free version of FontAwesome5 is available.
Install using npm
npm install --save @aalicki/vue-icon-picker
Then Register The Component Globally:
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueIconPicker from '@aalicki/vue-icon-picker';
Vue.component('vue-icon-picker', VueIconPicker)
OR use it in a Component:
import VueIconPicker from '@rightbraintechbd/vue-icon-picker';
export default {
name: 'YourFeatureComponent',
components: {
'vue-icon-picker': VueIconPicker
<vue-icon-picker />
You can also pass Options as props in the vue-icon-picker
component as you can see the example below
<vue-icon-picker :icon-preview="false" />
* The Text which will be shown to the Button
button: {
type: String,
default: 'Pick A Icon'
* Button Background Color
bgColor: {
type: String,
default: '#212121'
* Button Text Color
txtColor: {
type: String,
default: '#e1e1e1'
* Whether the Icon should be displayed after selection
iconPreview: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
Example for setting the background color (note that the hexidecimal codes can be short or long form):
<vue-icon-picker bgColor="#fff" txtColor="#000000"/>
VueIconPicker will emit a selected(icon)
event when user selects an icon.
<vue-icon-picker @selected="onIconSelected" />
methods: {
onIconSelected(icon) {
// your code here
It will emit an Object
containing icon data like { type, name }
{ type: 'fab', name: 'facebook' }
- Clean up SASS
- Optimize picker to be more responsive
- Night mode
- Allow you to easily clear the icon if preview is enable with a triggered event.
- Allow you to limit types of icon results (Branding, Regular, Solid, etc...)
This is my first Open Source project, I'll happily take in feedback, requests and issues.