Releases: itsmoosh/MoonMag
Support for passing more direct file paths
Removed healpy dependency
This minor release removes the healpy dependency, which prevented installation on Windows when not initiated through wsl.
Updated excitation moment files to new PlanetMag convention
This release updates the file format for excitation moment files read in with read_Benm, as well as the function call signature. The excitation moments file now contains a descriptive name for each excitation, and an ndarray of these names is now returned by read_Benm.
This update breaks a key piece of existing infrastructure. All existing implementations of MoonMag will need to be updated to function again, but need only update the function signature with an extra output.
Field calculations up to degree 10 validated against PlanetMag
Magnetic field multipole spherical harmonic calculations up to degree 10 have now been validated against a related package named PlanetMag, including catching typos in degree 7, 9, and 10 calculations.
Reconfigured eval_induced_field options
Model options for each body are in the process of being integrated into a single argument. Most options have been collected into the modelOpts kwarg for the run_calcs function.
Changed Latex requirement to opt-in toggle
Setting useTex = True for generating plots with Latex in Matplotlib is now a toggle. Previously, a Latex installation was required. The default behavior is for useTex = False; this can be toggled in
Removed dependency on skyfield
This release removes an unnecessary dependency on skyfield and adds explicit dependencies for the packages used to code up the release.
Field calculations to degree 10 and parallel support on Windows
Evaluation of magnetic fields from multipole moments has been expanded for both fully normalized and Schmidt normalized harmonics, which use independent calculations from cartesian coordinates, up to degree n=10. In addition, parallel operation is now supported on Windows through the "spawn" context, whereas "fork" remains the default on other operating systems.
conda installation available
MoonMag can now be installed with conda:
conda install -c itsmoosh moonmag
Removed cartopy dependency and added module-specific logger
Plotting functions previously used cartopy for generating tick labels and as an axis transform. Lat/lon plots relying on cartopy have been rewritten to remove the dependency, because cartopy cannot currently be installed with pip due to a reliance on additional programs (Proj and GEOS) that cannot be installed with pip.
Output messages for the user are now handled with a logger that can be accessed and configured with logging.getLogger('MoonMag'), allowing importing packages to adjust the MoonMag logging level.