Work on the characterization and analysis of menstrual cycles using self-tracked mobile health data
We provide a conda environment file for ease of replication in ./menstrual_cycle_analysis.yml
doc/characterization: manuscripts on "Characterizing physiological and symptomatic variation in menstrual cycles using self-tracked mobile-health data"
doc/prediction: manuscripts on predictive models:
- A generative, predictive model for menstrual cycle lengths that accounts for potential self-tracking artifacts in mobile health data. Li, K.; Urteaga, I.; Shea, A.; Vitzthum, V.; Wiggins, C. H; and Elhadad, N. In NeurIPS 2020 Workshop Machine Learning for Mobile Health, 2020. Contributed Talk.
- A generative, predictive model for menstrual cycle lengths that accounts for potential self-tracking artifacts in mobile health data. Li, K.; Urteaga, I.; Shea, A.; Vitzthum, V. J.; Wiggins, C. H.; and Elhadad, N. arXiv e-print:2102.12439.
- A predictive model for next cycle start date that accounts for adherence in menstrual self-tracking. Li K.; Urteaga, I.; Shea, A.; Vitzthum, V. J.; Wiggins, C. H.; and Elhadad, N.; Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 3–11, January 2022.
- A Generative Modeling Approach to Calibrated Predictions:A Use Case on Menstrual Cycle Length Prediction. Urteaga, I.; Li, K.; Wiggins, C.; and Elhadad, N. In Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare, 2021.
Main directory with source code utilities.
Directory with code for data processing -
Directory with code for predictive modeling and evaluation.
Main directory with scripts to run, evaluate and plot experiments.
Cycle length only information for predictive work
- ./data/cycle_length_data/cycle_lengths.npz
Numpy array with I (number of individuals) by C (number of cycles per-individual) information
Pre-processed dataframes with cycles and tracking data were used for the characterization of menstrual cycles using self-tracked mobile health data: these are not publicly available.
Directory for plots and results
Characterization outputs for code in src/characterization
Results regarding the initial exploratory analysis to characterize the menstrual cycle and self-tracked symptoms -
Summary statistics and plots for the npjDigitalMedicine cohort -
Summary statistics and plots regarding the npjDigitalMedicine cohort's self-reported cycles -
Results for a bootstrapped analysis (with nbootstrapped samples) of the npjDigitalMedicine cohort's self-tracked symptoms
Predictive outputs
- ./results/evaluate_predictive_models/
Directory for results per each evaluated cycle length dataset and model