SofaMan is an easy to use software architecture modeling language inspired by YAML. It is designed to be easy to read and write, and to be easily converted to other modeling language formats. At present there are two languages supported, XMI (UML2) and PlantUML.
The project uses Pixi for project management.
The following shows an example model using the SofaMan modeling language.
# Sample sofa model.
package Retail.CRM:
visibility: public
stereotype Regulatory: [GDPR]
stereotype Security: [PIDRelevant]
actor Client
actor RelationshipManager
component RESTService:
ports: [443]
component CustomerDB:
name: Customer Database
Holds customer data
stereotypes: [Regulatory.GDPR]
package: Retail.CRM
ports: [443, REST]
component CustomerSearch(RESTService):
package: Retail
ports: [443]
relation CustomerSearch@443 flow CustomerDB@REST:
name: Execute search query
description: |
Search for customers by name or address
stereotypes: [Regulatory.GDPR]
The above model generates the following PUML.
@startuml sample
actor Client
actor RelationshipManager
component RESTService {
port 443
package Retail.CRM {
component CustomerDB <<GDPR>> {
port 443
port REST
package Retail {
component CustomerSearch {
port 443
443 ..> REST
All the supported modeling syntax can be found in tests/test_cases/full_all.sofa
pixi run python sofaman/ --help
pixi run test
pixi run coverage
pixi run doc
The latest documentation can be found at: