A library with which branching strategies can be made visible as an image through a config file and included in documentation files such as README.md.
$ composer require ixnode/php-branch-diagram-builder --dev
Create a file called .pbdb.yml
with the following content:
title: Trunk Based Development
width: 1500
- name: 'main'
system: 'Productive system'
color-light: '#0151ad'
color-dark: '#024796'
- name: 'development'
system: 'Development system'
color-light: '#01aaad'
color-dark: '#029496'
- name: ['feature', 1]
system: 'Local development'
color-light: '#70b964'
color-dark: '#46733f'
- name: ['feature', 2]
system: 'Local development'
color-light: '#f9a61b'
color-dark: '#c48416'
- name: ['feature', 3]
system: 'Local development'
color-light: '#ed1164'
color-dark: '#b30c4c'
- type: 'init'
source: null
target: 'main'
- type: 'checkout'
source: 'main'
target: 'development'
- type: 'checkout'
source: 'development'
target: ['feature', 1]
- type: 'commit'
source: ['feature', 1]
- type: 'checkout'
source: 'development'
target: ['feature', 2]
- type: 'commit'
source: ['feature', 2]
- type: 'merge'
source: ['feature', 1]
target: 'development'
- type: 'checkout'
source: 'development'
target: 'main'
- type: 'merge'
source: 'development'
target: ['feature', 2]
- type: 'commit'
source: ['feature', 2]
- type: 'merge'
source: ['feature', 2]
target: 'development'
- type: 'merge'
source: 'development'
target: 'main'
- type: 'checkout'
source: 'development'
target: ['feature', 3]
- type: 'commit'
source: ['feature', 3]
- type: 'merge'
source: ['feature', 3]
target: 'development'
- type: 'merge'
source: 'development'
target: 'main'
Execute the following command:
$ vendor/bin/pbdb-builder build .pbdb.yml
It creates the following image:
This can be easily added to you README.md file:
![Branching Strategy](.phdb.png)
❯ git clone [email protected]:ixnode/php-branch-diagram-builder.git && \
cd php-branch-diagram-builder
❯ php -v
PHP 8.0.11 (cli) (built: Sep 23 2021 22:03:11) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.0.11, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v8.0.11, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
❯ composer -V
Composer version 2.1.9 2021-10-05 09:47:38
❯ composer install
❯ composer test
> phpunit tests --testdox
PHPUnit 9.5.10 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Branch (Ixnode\PHPBranchDiagramBuilder\Tests\Branch)
✔ Branch
✔ Branch name
✔ Branch title
Step (Ixnode\PHPBranchDiagramBuilder\Tests\Step)
✔ 1) Test StepTest class (unknown: NULL -> master).
✔ 2) Test StepTest class (init: master -> master).
✔ 3) Test StepTest class (init: NULL -> master).
✔ 4) Test StepTest class (checkout: NULL -> master).
✔ 5) Test StepTest class (checkout: master -> NULL).
✔ 6) Test StepTest class (checkout: master -> master).
✔ 7) Test StepTest class (checkout: master -> develop).
✔ 8) Test StepTest class (commit: NULL -> master).
✔ 9) Test StepTest class (commit: master -> NULL).
✔ 10) Test StepTest class (commit: master -> master).
✔ 11) Test StepTest class (commit: master -> develop).
✔ 12) Test StepTest class (merge: NULL -> master).
✔ 13) Test StepTest class (merge: develop -> NULL).
✔ 14) Test StepTest class (merge: develop -> develop).
✔ 15) Test StepTest class (merge: develop -> master).
Time: 00:00.015, Memory: 6.00 MB
OK (18 tests, 35 assertions)
> phpstan analyse --level 8 --memory-limit 256M src tests
24/24 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
[OK] No errors
> vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer --dry-run --using-cache=no --rules=@PSR12 fix src
Loaded config default.
Checked all files in 0.262 seconds, 14.000 MB memory used
> vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer --dry-run --using-cache=no --rules=@PSR12 fix tests
Loaded config default.
Checked all files in 0.035 seconds, 12.000 MB memory used
# Git version
❯ git describe
# VERSION file version
Increase the version number according to your needs: <MAJOR>
Name | Description | Command Parameter |
MAJOR | is increased when API incompatible changes are released. | --major 1 |
MINOR | is increased when new functionality that is compatible with the previous API is released. | --minor 1 |
PATCH | is increased when changes include API-compatible bug fixes only. | --patch 1 |
# Show version
# Push changed VERSION file
❯ git add VERSION
❯ git commit -m "Add version $(cat VERSION)"
❯ git push
# Tag and push new git tag
❯ git tag -a "v$(cat VERSION)" -m "version v$(cat VERSION)"
❯ git push origin "v$(cat VERSION)"
If you have connected your repository to packagist.org, check the result:
- Björn Hempel [email protected] - Initial work - https://github.com/bjoern-hempel
This tutorial is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Have fun! :)