A library for creating audio source selection buttons for p5.sound.js.
DEMO: https://izm51.github.io/p5.audio-picker/
(The buttons at the bottom of the image was created with this library.)
Link p5.audio-picker.js or p5.audio-picker.min.js from your HTML file. You will also need to link p5.js and p5.sound.js first. Check index.html for an example.
const audioSources = await AudioPicker.getSources();
- Show a dialog to prompt to use a microphone
- Get audio sources you can use
- (Return a list of audio souces)
- Set input source and start audioIn.
- Param: {Int} An index in the array returned by getSources().
const bttons = AudioPicker.createButtons(() => {
fft = new p5.FFT();
- Create buttons that displays each label of audio sources.
- When pressed the button, setSource at the index of that button and removeButtons.
- Param: {Function} onPressed()
- Return Buttons
buttons.addStyleToButtons((btn, index, length) => {
btn.size(width, 28);
btn.position(0, index * 30);
- You can add styles to the buttons.
- Param: {Function} elementMethods(btn [, index, buttons.length])
- Please refer to https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5.Element what's available
- Return Buttons
- Return p5.AudioIn
- Return Boolean
- Whether the use of microphones is allowed.
- Return Boolean
- Whether the AudioSource to use is already selected.