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3. Regular Twitter X accounts

Jean-Francois Briere edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 1 revision

How to create a regular Twitter/X account

Open a WEB browser.

Go to

Click on the Create Account button

Click on the Use email instead link.

Specify a name. Can be random.

Specify an email address. You can choose an address that comes from a temporary inbox. There are some free temporary inboxes, like for instance.

Specify a date of birth. Can be random.

Click on the Next button.

Let unchecked the user tracking and click the Next button.

Confirm the information by clicking on the Sign up button.

A code will be sent to your temporary inbox. Go to your inbox to get it.

Specify the code and click the Next button.

Specify a password (8 characters or more) and click the Next button. Note this password and keep it somewhere safe.

For now on you can click on the Skip for now button when asked for any customization step.

Note your Twitter/X username that is presented and keep it somewhere safe.

That's it!

If you're lucky, there will be no CAPTCHA puzzle to solve along the way.

I was not lucky. I had to solve 28 CAPTCHA puzzles in 3 different steps (first 16 CAPTCHA puzzles then 6 then 6 again)! So don't be discouraged if that happens to you.

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