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Effective Lexing
This wiki is now deprecated, please consult the new-style wiki here: https://j-mie6.github.io/parsley/guide/effective-lexing
In the previous post, we saw the basic principles behind handling whitespace in a transparent manner. To remind ourselves of what we ended up lets pick up where we left off:
import parsley.Parsley, Parsley.attempt
import parsley.character.{digit, whitespace, string, item, endOfLine}
import parsley.combinator.{manyUntil, skipMany, eof}
import parsley.expr.{precedence, Ops, InfixL, Prefix}
import parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods //for hide
object lexer {
private def symbol(str: String): Parsley[String] = attempt(string(str))
private val lineComment = symbol("//") *> manyUntil(item, endOfLine)
private val multiComment = symbol("/*") *> manyUntil(item, symbol("*/"))
private val comment = lineComment <|> multiComment
private val skipWhitespace = skipMany(whitespace <|> comment).hide
private def lexeme[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = p <* skipWhitespace
private def token[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = lexeme(attempt(p))
def fully[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = skipWhitespace *> p <* eof
val number = token(digit.foldLeft1[BigInt](0)((n, d) => n * 10 + d.asDigit))
object implicits {
implicit def implicitSymbol(s: String): Parsley[String] = lexeme(symbol(s))
object expressions {
import lexer.implicits.implicitSymbol
import lexer.{number, fully}
private lazy val atom: Parsley[Int] = "(" *> expr <* ")" <|> number
private lazy val expr = precedence[Int](atom)(
Ops(InfixL)("*" #> (_ * _)),
Ops(InfixL)("+" #> (_ + _), "-" #> (_ - _)))
val parser = fully(expr)
So far, we've broken the parser into two distinct chunks: the lexer and the main parser. Within
the lexer we need to be careful and explicit about where we handle whitespace and where we
don't; within the parser we can assume that all the whitespace has been correctly dealt with and
can focus on the main content. To help motivate the changes we are going to make to the lexer
object later on in the post, I want to first extend our "language" to add in variables into the
language and a negate
operator. In the process I'm going to swap the integer result for an
abstract syntax tree.
object expressions {
import lexer.implicits.implicitSymbol
import lexer.{number, fully, identifier}
// for now, assume that `identifier` is just 1 or more alpha-numeric characters
sealed trait Expr
case class Add(x: Expr, y: Expr) extends Expr
case class Mul(x: Expr, y: Expr) extends Expr
case class Sub(x: Expr, y: Expr) extends Expr
case class Neg(x: Expr) extends Expr
case class Num(x: BigInt) extends Expr
case class Var(x: String) extends Expr
private lazy val atom: Parsley[Expr] =
"(" *> expr <* ")" <|> number.map(Num) <|> identifier.map(Var)
private lazy val expr = precedence[Expr](atom)(
Ops(Prefix)("negate" #> Neg),
Ops(InfixL)("*" #> Mul),
Ops(InfixL)("+" #> Add, "-" #> Sub))
val parser = fully(expr)
Now, we can assume that, since identifier
comes from the lexer, this parser handles all the whitespace correctly. The question is, does it work?
expressions.parser.parse("x + y")
=> Success(Add(Var(x),Var(y)))
expressions.parser.parse("negate + z")
=> Failure(..)
expressions.parser.parse("negate x + z")
=> Success(Add(Neg(Var(x)),Var(z)))
expressions.parser.parse("negatex + z")
=> Success(Add(Neg(Var(x)),Var(z)))
So, looking at these examples, the first one seems to work fine. The second one also works
fine, but given that we've said that identifiers are just alpha-numeric characters, you might
assume it was legal (indeed, it really shouldn't be legal in most languages that don't have
"soft" keywords). The third example again works as intended, but the fourth is suspicious:
is clearly an identifier but was parsed as negate x
! This now gives us a set up for
refining our lexer for the rest of the page. We won't be touching the expressions
again, so take a long hard look at it.
The crux of the problem we unearthed in the last section is that the implicit used to handle strings has no awareness of keywords (or indeed operators) and identifiers that work for any alpha-numeric sequence are an accident waiting to happen. Let's start by creating a couple of sets to represent the valid keywords and operators in the language:
val keywords = Set("negate")
val operators = Set("*", "+", "-")
Now we can use these to define some more specialist combinators for dealing with these lexemes:
- We want to ensure that identifiers are not valid keywords.
- We want to ensure reading a keyword does not have a valid identifier "letter" after it.
- We want to ensure that a specific operator does not end up being the prefix of another, parsable, operator. This satisfies the "maximal-munch" style of parsing.
We'll start with identifier
: to check that an identifier we've just read is not itself a
valid keyword we can use the filter
family of combinators. In particular, filterOut
provides an error message that explains why the parser has failed. Here is our new and improved
import parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods //for filterOut
import parsley.character.{letterOrDigit, stringOfSome}
// `stringOfSome(letter)` is loosely equivalent to `some(letter).map(_.mkString)`
val identifier = token(stringOfSome(letterOrDigit).filterOut {
case v if keywords(v) => s"keyword $v may not be used as an identifier"
The filterOut
combinator takes a PartialFunction
from the parser's result to String
. If
the partial function is defined for its input, that produces the error message that the parser
fails with. Notice that I've been very careful to make sure the filter happens inside the
scope of the token
combinator. If we do read an identifier and then rule it out because its
a keyword, we want the ability to backtrack. Filtering after the input has been irrevocably consumed will mean this parser fails more strongly than it should.
Next we'll tackle the keywords, using the handy notFollowedBy
combinator that was briefly
referenced in the very first post:
def keyword(k: String): Parsley[Unit] = token(string(k) *> notFollowedBy(letterOrDigit))
Again, notice that I've been very careful to perform the negative-lookahead within the scope of
the token
so that we can backtrack if necessary (indeed, it's likely that a valid
alternative was an identifier!). Additionally, we also need to ensure that whitespace isn't
read before we try and check for the letterOrDigit
, otherwise negate x
would also fail, so that's
another reason to keep it within token
Finally, let's look at how operator is dealt with. It's a bit trickier, and in this case is meaningless, because all of our operators are single character and don't form valid prefixes of each other. But it will be useful to discuss anyway:
import parsley.character.strings
def operator(op: String): Parsley[Unit] = {
val biggerOps = operators.collect {
case biggerOp if biggerOp.startsWith(op)
&& biggerOp > op => biggerOp.substring(op.length)
biggerOps match {
case Nil => lexeme(symbol(op)).void
// strings requires one non-varargs argument
case biggerOp :: biggerOps => token(string(op) *> notFollowedBy(strings(biggerOp, biggerOps: _*)))
Let's unpack what's going on here: first we read the op as normal, then we ensure that it's
not followed by the rest of any operators for which it forms a valid prefix. This is using the
regular collect
method on Scala Set
. As an example, if we have the operator set
Set("*", "*+", "*-", "++")
and we call operator("*")
, we would be checking
notFollowedBy(strings("+", "-"))
, since *+
and *-
are both prefixed by *
. This is,
again, a great example of how powerful access to regular Scala code in our parsers is! This
would be quite tricky to define in a parser generator!
So, the question is, what do we do with our new found combinators? We could just expose them to
the rest of the parser as they are, but that leaves room for error if we forget, or miss out,
any of the replacements. And, in addition, we lose the nice string literal syntax we've made
good use of until this point. So, a better solution would be to change our definition of
object implicits {
implicit def implicitSymbol(s: String): Parsley[Unit] = {
if (keywords(s)) keyword(s)
else if (operators(s)) operator(s)
else lexeme(symbol(s)).void
Now, when we use a string literal in our original parser, it will first check to see if that is a valid keyword or an operator and, if so, it can use our specialised combinators: neat! With this done, the output of our dodgy case from before is:
expressions.parser.parse("negatex + z")
=> Success(Add(Var(negatex),Var(z)))
Exactly as desired! Here is our new lexer
object with all the changes incorporated:
object lexer {
val keywords = Set("negate")
val operators = Set("*", "+", "-")
private def symbol(str: String): Parsley[String] = attempt(string(str))
private val lineComment = symbol("//") *> manyUntil(item, endOfLine)
private val multiComment = symbol("/*") *> manyUntil(item, symbol("*/"))
private val comment = lineComment <|> multiComment
private val skipWhitespace = skipMany(whitespace <|> comment).hide
private def lexeme[A](p: =>Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = p <* skipWhitespace
private def token[A](p: =>Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = lexeme(attempt(p))
def fully[A](p: =>Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = skipWhitespace *> p <* eof
val number = token(digit.foldLeft1[BigInt](0)((n, d) => n * 10 + d.asDigit))
val identifier = token(stringOfSome(letterOrDigit).filterOut {
case v if keywords(v) => s"keyword $v may not be used as an identifier"
def keyword(k: String): Parsley[Unit] = token(string(k) *> notFollowedBy(letterOrDigit))
def operator(op: String): Parsley[Unit] = {
val biggerOps = operators.collect {
case biggerOp if biggerOp.startsWith(op)
&& biggerOp > op => biggerOp.substring(op.length)
biggerOps match {
case Nil => lexeme(symbol(op)).void
case biggerOp :: biggerOps => token(string(op) *> notFollowedBy(strings(biggerOp, biggerOps: _*)))
object implicits {
implicit def implicitSymbol(s: String): Parsley[Unit] = {
if (keywords(s)) keyword(s)
else if (operators(s)) operator(s)
else lexeme(symbol(s)).void
This section is out-of-date, and describes the situation in parsley-3.x.y
and not parsley-4.0.0
. In this release, the entire token
package was reworked, so this doesn't apply.
Whilst everything we have done above is nice and instructive, in practice all this work is
already done for us with token.Lexer
. By providing a suitable token.descriptions.LexicalDesc
we can get a whole bunch of combinators for dealing with tokens for free. There is a lot of
functionality found inside the Lexer
, and most of it is highly configurable with the LexicalDesc
and its sub-components. Let's make use of this new found power and change up our lexer
object one
last time:
object lexer {
import parsley.token.{Lexer, predicate}
import parsley.token.descriptions.{LexicalDesc, NameDesc, SymbolDesc}
private val desc = LexicalDesc.plain.copy(
nameDesc = NameDesc.plain.copy(
// Unicode is also possible instead of Basic
identifierStart = predicate.Basic(_.isLetter),
identifierLetter = predicate.Basic(_.isLetterOrDigit),
symbolDesc = SymbolDesc.plain.copy(
hardKeywords = Set("negate"),
hardOperators = Set("*", "+", "-"),
private val lexer = new Lexer(desc)
val identifier = lexer.lexeme.names.identifier
val number = lexer.lexeme.numeric.natural.decimal
def fully[A](p: Parsley[A]) = lexer.fully(p)
val implicits = lexer.lexeme.symbol.implicits
The implicitSymbol
function we developed before, along with operator
are all implemented by lexer.lexeme.symbol
. The names.identifier
accounts for the keyword problem for us. The basic numeric.natural.decimal
meets our needs without any additional configuration: it also returns BigInt
, which
is arbitrary precision. By using token.lexeme
, this will already handle the
whitespace and atomicity of the token for us. This is just the tip of the iceberg
when it comes to the lexer functionality within Parsley. It is well worth having a
play around with this functionality and getting used to it!
The Wiki refers to the latest version in the parsley-4.x.y
- Home
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Parser Combinator Cheatsheet
- Understanding the API
Guide to Parser Combinators
- Basics of Combinators
- Building Expression Parsers
- Effective Whitespace Parsing
- Effective Lexing
- The Parser Bridge Pattern
- Interlude 2: Adding Errors to the Haskell Parser
- Indentation Sensitive Parsing
- Interlude 3: Supporting the Haskell Offside Rule