A python script for creating a static heatmap-like visualization in PNG-format from activity location records stored into a GarminDB, or plain FIT, GPX, or TCX files (experimental support).
The main difference from a point-based heatmap is that in this visualization the line segments formed between each two points are considered in the sums. The main difference from dérive is (in addition to the use of Python) that the more crowded points do not only get more opaque, but also the color is changing.
Command line options:
--sport {steps, running, walking, hiking, cycling, all}
- Select a specific sport type to be plotted.
- Not available for directory-based plotting.
- If omitted, everything is plotted.
--year <int> [int] [int]
- List of years to be plotted.
- If omitted, everything is plotted.
--bounding_box <float> <float> <float> <float>
- Output image bounding box given in decimal WGS84: N E S W.
- If omitted, bounding box is determined from the data.
--bb_percentile <float>
- When determining the bounding box from the data, this value determines the percentile in each direction to be discarded (assumed outliers).
- To include all data, use 0.
--zoom_level <int>
- Image zoom level in OpenStreetMap-like zoom levels.
- For automatic, leave undefined.
--line_width <int>
- Plotting line width in pixels.
--max_point_dist <float
- If the distance between two consecutive points is larger than this value (in meters), no line is drawn between them.
- Triggers creating a gif animation.
--fps <float>
- When creating an animation, animation speed in frames (activities) per second.
--basemap_provider <string>
- Contextily basemap provider name string, e.g., CartoDB.DarkMatter, Esri.WorldImagery.
- Use "None" for blank background.
--img_width <int>
- When not using a background map, image width in pixels. The height is computed from data.
--track_colormap <string>
- Matplotlib colormap to use for track plotting.
- List basemap tile providers and exit.
--input_dir <string>
- Directory-based data input instead of GarminDB.
- Load all .fit and .gpx files here and in all sub-directories.
- Activity type filtering is not supported.
--verbosity <int>
- Progress display verbosity (0: silent, 1: default, 2: verbose)
--start_center <float> <float>
- Only tracks starting near this point (lat, lon, in decimal WGS84) are plotted.
--start_max_dist <float>
- Only tracks starting within this radius (in meters) from "start_center" are plotted.
- Binarize the sum track, i.e., ignore the "heat" and plot all with the same color.
- Plot all "steps" activities from the year 2020, figure limited to north Nuremberg:
python grrrmin_heatmap.py --bounding_box 11.16 49.524 11.015 49.452 --year 2020 --zoom_level 15 --sport steps
- Plot all steps activities from all time, figure centered in Feucht:
python grrrmin_heatmap.py --sport steps --zoom_level 15 --start_center 49.383 11.2185 --start_max_dist 100.0 --bb_percentile 0.0
- Plot all "cycling" activities from of all times using satellite image background:
python grrrmin_heatmap.py --sport cycling --basemap_provider Esri.WorldImagery
- Plot all activities from the given directory and all its sub-directories:
python grrrmin_heatmap.py --input_dir ../activities/ --bounding_box 11.265 49.402 11.195 49.365
Copyright (c) Jouni Paulus, 2020-2022, available under BSD-3-Clause license.