An integrated one-stop platform for collaborating with startups, SMEs, and other external partners in order to maximize 5,312 villages in West Java to outreach their highest potential.
- TypeScript -
- Node.js -
- Express Js -
- Knex Js -
- MySQL -
- Redis -
Clone the project:
$ git clone
$ cd dedi-core-service
$ cp .env.example .env
With npm
# Install node packages $ npm install
With make
# Install node packages $ make install
Make sure there is already a MySQL database created and the credetials are filled in the .env
With npm
# apply migrations to database $ npm run migrate # rollback migrations from database $ npm run rollback
With make
# apply migrations to database $ make migrate # rollback migrations from database $ make rollback
Locally with docker
# apply migrations to database $ make docker-run-dev-migrate # rollback migrations from database $ make docker-run-dev-rollback
Run locally
With npm
$ npm run dev
with make
$ make dev
Run locally with docker:
# start $ make docker-run-dev # stop $ make docker-run-dev-stop
Run on production with docker:
# to start $ make docker-run # to stop $ make docker-stop
Make sure there is already a MySQL test database (should differ with the dev database) created and the credentials are filled in the .env
$ npm run test
Locally with docker
$ make docker-run-dev-test
├── .github/ * all workflows github actions
└── workflows/
├── docker/
├── src/
└── config/ * config like db, aws, redis, etc.
└── database/ * migrations, seeds, etc.
└── emails/ * email templates.
└── handler/ * frequently used exception handling, etc.
└── helpers/ * helpers and utils
└── lang/ * messages in id, en, etc.
└── middleware/ * request's middlewares
└── modules/ * where all the magics happen
└── <module_name>
└── <module_name>_access * role base access control list
└── <module_name>_entity * struct, type, interfaces, etc
└── <module_name>_handler * request handler list
└── <module_name>_http * routes
└── <module_name>_log * logging business
└── <module_name>_repository * database queries
└── <module_name>_response * mapping for response
└── <module_name>_rules * model rules and restrictions
└── <module_name>_service * all business logic
└── <module_name>_test * remember to keep our code coverage high
└── ...