Primarily written over the course of a few days. My first major challenge in C to help build proficiency. Most challenging part was figuring out how to handle Aces, but I think that's all sorted.
Plays like any other game of Blackjack. You and the dealer are dealt two cards each, but one of the dealer's is face down. You must then decide whether you want to hit or stand. When you stand, Blackjack (reach 21), or bust, the dealer will play until they reach at least 17, at which point the winner will be determined.
Should work on any Windows machine.
- Download the latest EXE from Releases
- Run the executable
Of course, you'll need a C compiler for raw source code. I recommend GCC. Installation Guide
- Save "main.c" anywhere on your computer.
- Open Windows command line and navigate to the directory it's held in
- Type the command:
gcc -o Blackjack main.c
- Run the executable
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to make an issue.
This code is under an MIT License, meaning it can freely be used by anyone that desires. Free the code!