Lightweight library that simplifies creation of RecyclerView's Adapter:
- Less boilerplate. No need to implement
- Out of the box DiffUtil support. You don't have to implement the
anymore. - Plug and play data models and view holders
- Cleaner tests
- RX support (optional)
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.jacek-marchwicki.recyclerview-changes-detector:universal-adapter:<look-on-release-tab>'
// RX support
implementation 'com.github.jacek-marchwicki.recyclerview-changes-detector:universal-adapter-rx:<look-on-release-tab>'
implementation 'com.github.jacek-marchwicki.recyclerview-changes-detector:universal-adapter-rx2:<look-on-release-tab>'
implementation 'com.github.jacek-marchwicki.recyclerview-changes-detector:universal-adapter-rx3:<look-on-release-tab>'
Let's assume that your list consits of headers, songs and a footer.
- Implement data models for all list elements
data class HeaderItem(val text: String, val songsCount: Int, override val itemId: Any = text) : DefaultAdapterItem()
data class SongItem(val id: String, val title: String, val imageUrl: String, override val itemId: Any = id, val onSongClick: (id: String) -> Unit) : DefaultAdapterItem()
data class FooterItem(override val itemId: Any = NO_ID) : DefaultAdapterItem()
- Implement a view holder for each data model to bind its data to the view. You have to specify item layout id and data model class.
class HeaderViewHolder : LayoutViewHolderManager<HeaderItem>(
R.layout.item_header, HeaderItem::class, { HeaderViewHolder(it) }
) {
class HeaderViewHolder(itemView: View) : BaseViewHolder<HeaderItem>(itemView) {
override fun bind(item: HeaderItem) {
itemView.item_header_tv.text = "${item.text} - ${item.songsCount}"
class SongViewHolder(val imageLoader: ImageLoader) : LayoutViewHolderManager<SongItem>(
R.layout.song_item, SongItem::class, { ViewHolder(it) }
) {
class ViewHolder(itemView: View) : BaseViewHolder<SongItem>(itemView) {
override fun bind(item: SongItem) {
itemView.song_item.text = item.title
itemView.setOnClickListener { item.onSongClick( }
class FooterViewHolder : LayoutViewHolderManager<FooterItem>(
R.layout.item_footer, FooterItem::class, { ViewHolder(it) }
) {
class ViewHolder(itemView: View) : BaseViewHolder<FooterItem>(itemView) {
override fun bind(item: FooterItem) {}
- Setup the adapter and bind data:
val adapter = UniversalAdapter(listOf(headerViewHolder, songViewHolder, footerViewHolder))
recyclerView.adapter = adapter
// You'd rather create the items in a ViewModel/Presenter
Song(id="1", title="Song1"),
Song(id="2", title="Song2"),
Song(id="3", title="Song1"),
DiffUtil is an androidx tool that calculates the difference between two lists submitted to adapter.
Thanks to this, only modified elements are updated and not the whole list. It also applies a very nice animation that you can see on the GIF above.
Normally you have to implement the DiffUtil.ItemCallback
on your own and decide when your adapter elements has changed.
Thanks to the data models you create by extending DefaultAdapterItem
class, you don't have to do this any more. There are two conditions though
that you have to satisfy:
- you have to override
val itemId: Any
- your data models have to be either Kotlin data classes or override
Let's have a look at the example below:
data class SongItem(val id: String, val title: String, override val itemId: Any = id) : DefaultAdapterItem()
is required to identify specific element in the list. In this case it is the song id as it is unique to the song. This is being used in theDiffUtil.ItemCallback.areItemsTheSame()
is a Kotlin data class so it overridesequals
by default. This is being used in theDiffUtil.ItemCallback.areContentsTheSame()
method to identify whether element's content changed and need to be updated. If you'd like to alter this behaviour you can overrideequals
methods on your own.
As your models and view holders are not bound to any adapter, you can reuse them in every adapter.
You don't have to specify the itemViewType
in each adapter, just pass you view holder to adapter's constructor.
As your data models are being created in a ViewModel/Presenter, your test logic is very clean and simple
fun `when 2 of 4 registered students are attendees then student items correctly divided into sections`() {
every { classDao.registeredStudents } returns Observable.just(
ClassStudent("name1", attended = true),
ClassStudent("name3", attended = false),
ClassStudent("name2", attended = true),
ClassStudent("name4", attended = false)
viewModel = PastClassStudentsPresenter("fake_id", classDaos)
PastClassStudentItem("name1", true),
PastClassStudentItem("name2", true),
PastClassStudentItem("name3", false),
PastClassStudentItem("name4", false)
modules lets you subscribe directly to adapter like this:
You just have to use the RxUniversalAdapter
class instead of regular UniversalAdapter
You can also use the BaseRxViewHolder
class that unsubscribes from your streams when RecyclerView elements are being recycled.
That way you don't have to remember about unsubscribing. Here is the sample code that demonstrates that:
class SongViewHolder(private val imageLoader: ImageLoader) : LayoutViewHolderManager<SongItem>(
R.layout.item_song, SongItem::class, { ViewHolder(it, imageLoader) }
) {
class ViewHolder(itemView: View, private val imageLoader: ImageLoader) : BaseRxViewHolder<SongItem>(itemView) {
// Here you bind all your streams
override fun bindStreams(item: SongItem): Disposable = CompositeDisposable(
item.isFavorite.subscribe { favorite ->
itemView.fav_iv.alpha = if (favorite) 1f else 0f
itemView.clicks().subscribe {
// Here you bind your regular data
override fun bindData(item: SongItem) {
itemView.item_song_title.text = item.title
There is an issue in androidx.recyclerview version <= 1.1.0. If you use such version then you have to override
and return false to avoid crash that may happen during list animation.
layoutManager = object : LinearLayoutManager(context, RecyclerView.VERTICAL, false) {
override fun supportsPredictiveItemAnimations(): Boolean {
return false
For more look at the sample app at app/ directory.
Copyright [2016] [Jacek Marchwicki <[email protected]>]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.