R shiny app: Post-mortem Huntington’s Disease prefrontal cortex patient samples compared with neurologically healthy control samples
-> App :
R Shiny application with 4 tabs for analyzing mRNA-Seq expression profiling dataset of human post-mortem BA9 brain tissue. This app focuses on Huntington's Disease patient samples and included neurologically normal individuals samples as controls.
1. Samples Tab: Provided a comprehensive summary of samples. Fetched metadata from CSV files. Plotted bar graphs for different X-axis factors.
2. Counts Tab: Filtered normalized counts data based on gene variance and non-zero values. Implemented functionality to plot scatter plots, heatmaps, and PCA according to filter values.
3. Differential Expression Tab: Identified differentially expressed genes and presented them in a tabular format. Plotted a volcano plot to visually represent the differentially expressed genes.
4. Correlation Expression Analysis Tab: Established a correlation network between differentially expressed genes. Generated a clustered heatmap for visualization. Fetched correlation network metrics for the specified genes.
-> Dataset Used :
mRNA-Seq Expression profiling of human post-mortem BA9 brain tissue for Huntington’s Disease and neurologically normal individuals
This dataset profiled gene expression with RNASeq in post-mortem human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex from patients who died from Huntington’s Disease and age and sex matched neurologically healthy controls.