Repository for 234-Sandwich-Truck-Project
CSCI 234 (Introduction to Software Engineering) - Spring 2022
Contributors: Nikolas Kovacs, Jackson Wagner, Michael Shimer
- Creation of a software system that will run the business of a food delivery truck
Sprint Goal:
- Model the neighborhood and build the GUI foundation to display the neighborhood. Create a batch file of randomly generated orders.
Goals included:
- Creating a Priority Queue of Delivery Locations based on Order Time
- Computing a delivery route for the truck
- Displaying the neighborhood witht the truck moving from each destination
- Create a route for the truck based on the closest distance to the Truck (minimizing Truck distance)
- Creating a route for the truck with only right hand turns allowed
Goals included:
- Add sandwich orders to the file containing destinations and time of order.
- Model the making of sandwich orders
- Model the delivery of the order
- User can select a Routing Strategy
- Customers who have made orders should be able to keep track of the sandwich trucks location
- Compare the distances traveled for each strategy on the same set of orders
Goals included:
- Model delivery of an order
- Truck will return to Service Center when all orders are complete
- Change size of a block from 1 mile to 1/10
- Order Entry Interface
- Customers currently waiting for orders list