Meet Indiekit, the little Node.js server with all the pieces needed to share your content with the open, independent web.
Indiekit is supported by its community. Special thanks to:

- Publish content to your website using apps and services that support the Micropub API
- Save files to a content store such as GitHub, an FTP server or S3 object storage
- Integrate with static site generators like Eleventy, Hugo or Jekyll
- Share content on social networks like Mastodon
- Customise everything from the interface theme to the format of commit messages
Indiekit is extensible via its plugin API and localized for use in a growing number of languages.
- Your own website, published using a static site generator
- Node.js v20+
A MongoDB database is optional, but required for the following features to work:
- Viewing, editing, deleting and restoring previously published posts
- Syndicating posts
- Viewing and deleting previously uploaded media files
This project is known to work with MongoDB v4.4 or later. It may also work with the last openly licenced version, v4.0.3, but this has not been tested.
Learn how to set up an Indiekit server and view an example server configuration.
The documentation website is generated using VitePress. To view this site locally:
- Install this project’s dependencies:
npm install
- Start the Vite server:
npm run docs:dev
- View the documentation:
The browser will refresh to reflect any changes you make to the documentation.
Architectural decisions made on this project are documented using Architecture Decision Records, as described by Michael Nygard. These can be found in /docs/decisions
Lerna is used to manage and publish packages from this monorepo.
To release a new version, use the following command:
npx lerna publish --conventional-commits
Read about the different ways you can contribute to this project.
Developed by Paul Robert Lloyd.
Thank-you to Aron Carroll for mentoring me during the early development of this project. Indiekit is a better project for his feedback and advice.
Indiekit is inspired by similar projects made by members of the IndieWeb community: