- work only local image
- Inbbb
part, if you put some behind url, it needs to be behind double quate. ex:![alt text](a.jpg "title a1")
- if you use parenthesis inside bbb, the parenthesis must be paired in order to work.
#local image, ok
![alt text](a.jpg "title a1") #relative path
![alt text](abc/a.jpg "title a1") #relative path
![alt text](C:\aa bb\2023-12-30.png "title a1") #absolute path
![alt text](中/a c 文.jpg "title a1") #non ascii
![alt text](file:///C:\Current Work\Service\12-30-34.png)
![alt text](New folder/a002 (1) (2).jpg?key&ddd "title")
#online image, no work
![alt text](https://example.com/img)
![alt text](http://example.com/img.jpg)
![alt text](//aa/bb/12-30-34.png)
![alt text](abc/a b.jpg =205x251)
wrong: =205x251
![smiley](smiley.png){:height="36px" width="36px"}.