Please download and install the Philox library from Random123 does not require compilation, but you will need to tell the runner/Makefile where the library exists. Place Random123 in the same directory location as APPRNG in order for APPRNG to be able to access Random123’s resources.
TestU01 must first be compiled into a dynamically linkable library before the AP PRNG simulator can be run against the tests. Follow the steps below to compile TestU01(Assuming that you are in the APPRNG directory).
cd stats_tests
cd TestU01-1.2.3
mkdir build
./configure --prefix=<absolute path to build dir>
make install
Once TestU01 is built, you must add /APPRNG/stats_tests/TestU01-1.2.3/build/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the command-line. Do this with the following line:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<full_path_here_to_build/lib_here>
To compile the simulator, and the runner program, you should be able to run the makefile in APPRNG/runner. You may have to change the paths in this file (see Random123 above) to get code to successfully compile.
In the command-line, use the following command, when located in the APPRNG/runner directory
$ make
After the above command is run, an executable is created, which is named “runner”. In order to execute this executable, use the following command with each of the command-line arguments you wish to give to runner.cpp.
$ ./runner Arg1 Arg2 Arg3...
Please e-mail [email protected] if you have any build issues.