🦀 lang: Rust, C, java, python
🔨 tools: Docker, Shell, (neo)vim / Vscode, Nix(devOps and TeamEnv), make, just
💻 fields: Computer Architecture, OS
- Collector Current development progress stalled
- https://github.com/jackyliu16/lglr-controller
- Personal Blog has been remove BC out of date and no time to update themes.
- Currently only provide personal blog via logseq (publish)
- There are also documents related to the project, but currently haven't been publish via github action.
This language statistics have no meaning, most of the code caught should be logseq or obsidian, then I want to facilitate multi-channel synchronization of plug-ins and themes
這個語言統計沒什麼意義,大部分捕捉的代碼應該都是借用他人的主題(被用在靜態站點生成或 LogSeq, Obsidian 同步上)