Creates a plot of an fMRI dataset à la J.D. Power's "The Plot",
- SPM version >= 8
- Matlab version >= 7.6
To use, instantiate an object of the class by passing in a scalar
structure with plot parameters, and call the public method
. An empty opts structure can be obtained by calling the static
method defaults
, and modifying the structure suitably. E.g.,
Assume that in the current working directory, we have three masks: gray_mask.nii, white_mask.nii, and csf_mask.nii; a realigment parameters file rp.txt; and our SPM.mat.
% Set up plot parameters
load SPM.mat
rp = load('rp.txt');
opts = BrainPlot.defaults(); % Get the defaults structure.
opts.brain.vols = spm_vol(SPM.xY.VY);
opts.mask.vols = spm_vol(spm_select('FPList', pwd, '^.*_mask.nii$'));
opts.mask.labels = cellstr(spm_select('List', pwd, '^.*_mask.nii$'));
opts.mask.labels = cellfun(@(s)strrep(s, '_', ' '), opts.mask.labels, ...
opts.filter.filter = 1; % We will apply the high pass filter
opts.whiten.whiten = 1; % We will apply the whitening matrix
opts.adjust.adjust = 1; % We will adjust for confounds (like motion parameters)
opts.adjust.contrast = 5; % We will use an F-contrast indexed 5 to adjust.
opts.spmpath = '/path/to/SPM.mat';
opts.extra(1).data = rp(:,1:3);
opts.extra(1).ylabel = 'translation rp';
opts.extra(2).data = rp(:,4:6);
opts.extra(2).ylabel = 'rotation rp';
% Instantiate the object, make the plot, and save.
bp = BrainPlot(opts);
bp.make(); % May take a while., '1234.jpg'));
For more information about the opts structure, call: help BrainPlot.defaults
, or look at the code.