This software turns a unifi controller into a source of signal levels for a find-lf-server
Copy config.ini.sample to config.ini and edit the settings in the file to meet your setup
These settings relate to your unifi controller
The Username for your controller
The password for your controller
The hostname/ip address for your controller
The ssl port for your controller
The short site "name" which is visible in the URL when managing the site in the UniFi Controller:
https://<controller IP address or FQDN>:8443/manage/site/a8fzkspd/dashboard
In this case, a8fzkspd is the value required for site
These settings relate to your find-lf server
url to the lf server. If you don't mind using the public server then the default is fine
a unique identifier for your network on the find-lf/find server
Settings that change the behavior of the source go here
How often to poll the unifi controller and send them to the find-lf server
You need a working find-lf server to use this. The public server at works fine to get up and running though. You can then access the data at that servers public find counterpart at .