The Traveling Salesperson Simulator will become a mindblowing interactive webpage where you, the user, will experience the wonderful world of gluing together different pre-made algorithms to create the shortest tour between different cities. The best results will
The project has different modules, each of significant importance.
- Create tsp engine. a. make the engine read input b. I. Make a distance matrix of all cities II. (later on) MAKE ORDERED ADJENCENCY LISTS FOR EACH CITY c. make a initial tour (gready and random) d. Make tour improvement algorithms for example: I. localRandom II. Two opt III. Two point Five opt e. Print the results
- Make the webpage: a. create a basic webpage b. create a way of showing the results of the tsp algorithm on the webpage c. create a way of visualize the results of the tsp algorithm on the webpage d. create a way of choosing different algorithms for creating a tsp algorithm e. create a score board which saves the results (idea: data base, also a check so no users can name them self bad words)