MailerBundle add a new TemplatedEmail class for the Symfony Mailer Component.
composer require jacquesndl/mailer-bundle
The bundle provides an official recipe to help you configure the bundle.
# config/packages/jacquesndl_mailer.yaml
# .env
The env variables JACQUESNDL_MAILER_SENDER_NAME and JACQUESNDL_MAILER_SENDER_ADDRESS define the default value for the sender. You can overwrite it using the to() method of the TemplatedEmail class. You can see an example below.
// src/Controller/WelcomeController.php
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Jacquesndl\MailerBundle\Message\TemplatedEmail;
class WelcomeController extends AbstractController
public function index(MailerInterface $mailer): Response
// ...
$email = (new TemplatedEmail())
->from('[email protected]') // overwrite the default sender value
->to('[email protected]')
->replyTo('[email protected]')
'firstName' => 'Zinédine',
// ...
{# templates/emails/ #}
{% block subject %}
{% endblock %}
{% block html %}
<h1>Welcome {{ firstName }}</h1>
{% endblock %}
{% block text %}
Your text content
{% endblock %}
If the block text is missing or empty, mailer will generate it automatically by converting the HTML contents into text. If you have league/html-to-markdown installed in your application, it uses that to turn HTML into Markdown (so the text email has some visual appeal). Otherwise, it applies the strip_tags PHP function to the original HTML contents.
The bundle provides a maker command to create an Email class that extends TemplatedEmail
php bin/console make:email WelcomeEmail
// src/Email/WelcomeEmail.php
namespace App\Email;
use Jacquesndl\MailerBundle\Message\TemplatedEmail;
class WelcomeEmail extends TemplatedEmail
protected $template = 'emails/';
// src/Controller/WelcomeController.php
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use App\Email\WelcomeEmail;
class WelcomeController extends AbstractController
public function index(MailerInterface $mailer): Response
// ...
$email = (new WelcomeEmail())
->to('[email protected]');
// ...