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Plugin Development Guide

Jaeger edited this page Oct 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

QueryList Plugin development guide

Your plugin needs to implement QL\Contracts\PluginContract interface.


interface PluginContract
    public static function install(QL\QueryList $queryList,...$opt);


1.Add QueryList package to require-dev

composer require jaeger/querylist --dev
2.Implement PluginContract interface
use QL\Contracts\PluginContract;
use QL\QueryList;

class MyPlugin implements PluginContract
    public static function install(QueryList $queryList, ...$opt)
        // TODO: Implement install() method.
3. Bind your function
class MyPlugin implements PluginContract
    //Defines a static install method for installing your extensions
    public static function install(QueryList $queryList,...$opt)
        //In this method to implement your `bind`
            // $this is the current QueryList object
            return MyPlugin::get($this,$url);

    //Define a http get method
    public static function get($queryList,$url)
        $html = file_get_contents($url);
        return $queryList;
4. Test your plugin
$ql = QueryList::use(MyPlugin::class);


echo $ql->getHtml();


Reading the existing plugin source allows you to get started quickly.



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