#Foodtruck Finder API
##Client Access of Nearby Locations
To access nearby locations, the client must provide three pieces of information: latitude, longitude, and radius. Radius refers to the maximum distance (as the crow flies) the client would travel to find a food truck in meters. All requests must be sent to a url with a valid query string in the following format:
Latitude must be between -90 and 90 degrees, and longitude must be between -180 and 180 degrees. Radius must be given, there is no "default radius."
##API JSON Response
The Foodtruck Finder Application returns a json with two fields: status and body.
Status contains the HTTP status code (200, 400, 404, or 500).
If the HTTP status code is 200, body contains a list of json entries to DataSF's database of foodtrucks within radius meters of the client. If the HTTP status code is not 200, then body contains a short error message. For example, if a variable is left out of the query string, body will contain a string that reads "malformed query string."
######Error Message
When the HTTP status code is not 200, body contains a short error message describing what went wrong. For example, if the query string in the url is not correctly formed, the error message will read "Malformed query string."
######Database Entries
Each entry in the list will have the following fields:
- locationid
- applicant
- facilitytype
- cnn
- locationdescription
- address
- blocklot
- block
- lot
- permit
- status
- fooditems
- x
- y
- latitude
- longitude
- schedule
- noisent
- approved
- Received
- priorpermit
- expirationdate
- location
For more information on each field, visit the [database's API documentation] (http://dev.socrata.com/foundry/#/data.sfgov.org/rqzj-sfat)
#Prior Experience With Stack
###Prior Python Experience Last summer, I learned python to create a script to convert pharmaceutical data from NCPDP format to human readable csv files. This consisted of mostly string manipulation and file IO.
###Prior Flask Experience This is my first flask application, as well as my first web application.