Simple repository with a barebones app for people to clone and use during my tech talk on Google Firebase at NewOrbit.
This app demonstrates some firebase functionality including:
- Authentication
- Firestore
To get started clone this app and follow the steps below to run this using your own firebase account.
- Head to and sign in with your google account
- Create a new project (you can call this what you like)
- Choose whether you want to include Analytics
- Select which account you want to use (choose Default Account for Firebase to use the Google account you signed in with)
- When the new projects has been created, click Continue
- Next follow the instructions to add Firebase to your app... you want to choose web app which is depicted by the </> symbol
- Give the app a name. This can be the same as your project name, or "Web app" doesn't really matter
- At this point you can choose if you want to include Firebase Hosting, this is up to you but it can be set up later
- Copy the contents of
var firebaseConfig = {...}
object and paste this into the firebaseconfig.ts file in the src folder of the code - Go back to the Firebase Console and click Authentication in the panel on the left
- Set up sign-in method Email/Password should be enabled
- Go back to users and add a new user
- Run the app with
npm start
- Log in to your copy of the app with the credentials for the user you just created
- Head to the list page and add some records... watch the magic of Firestore realtime in another browser or the console
- Play around with the source code and maybe add another collection, or change the model of the data and do something different with it
Feel free to have a poke around in the source code and see how things work, particularly the React Hook called useCollection, this is my own implementation of a generic hook to access all documents in a collection in firestore.
Try creating another hook which only accesses one document at a time.
Try creating a new page which subscribes to a different collection and shows the data in a different layout.
Try implementing user roles so you see different things when you log in as 2 different users.
Try changing the authentication method? May be out of the scope of this session but play around in your own time.