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Derek Jamison edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 10 revisions


The Flipper Zero supports sending and receiving infrared signals. From the main menu on the Flipper Zero, go to Infrared then choose Learn New Remote to create an .IR file or Saved Remotes to playback an .IR file. If you don't have the original remote, you can also copy existing .IR files to the SD Card\infrared folder, for use in the Saved Remotes feature.


The Flipper Zero registers infrared encoder/decoder protocol entries in lib\infrared\encoder_decoder\infrared.c.

protocol preamble freq pulse length maximum address maximum command
Samsung32 4500/4500 8-bits (FF 00 00 00) 8-bits (FF 00 00 00)
Kaseikyo 3360/1650 26-bits (FF FF FF 03) 10-bits (FF 03 00 00)
NEC 9000/4500 8-bits (FF 00 00 00) 8-bits (FF 00 00 00)
NECext 9000/4500 16-bits (FF FF 00 00) 16-bits (FF FF 00 00)
NEC42 9000/4500 13-bits (FF 1F 00 00) 8-bits (FF 00 00 00)
NEC42ext 9000/4500 26-bits (FF FF FF 03) 16-bits (FF FF 00 00)
RC5 none 36kHz 888uS 5-bits (1F 00 00 00) 6-bits (3F 00 00 00)
RC5X none 36kHz 888uS 5-bits (1F 00 00 00) 7-bits (7F 00 00 00)
RC6 2666/889 8-bits (FF 00 00 00) 8-bits (FF 00 00 00)
RCA 4000/4000 4-bits (0F 00 00 00) 8-bits (FF 00 00 00)
SIRC 2400/600 40kHz 5-bits (1F 00 00 00) 7-bits (7F 00 00 00)
SIRC15 2400/600 40kHz 8-bits (FF 00 00 00) 7-bits (7F 00 00 00)
SIRC20 2400/600 40kHz 13-bits (FF 1F 00 00) 7-bits (7F 00 00 00)

.IR File

You can create a file and place it in SD Card\infrared folder to have it show up as a Saved Remote. The .ir file can have multiple buttons, with a mix of protocols (and even raw entries). Below is an example with three buttons:

Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
# Example remote with 3 buttons.
# Power - Toggles power on TV.
# Mute - Toggles sound on TV.
# Fan_pwr - Toggles power on fan.
name: Power
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 02 00 00 00
name: Mute
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 0F 00 00 00
name: Fan_pwr
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.50000
data: 2100 700 700 700 700 700 700 1400 700 1400 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 1400 700 700 700 89600 2100 700 700 700 700 700 700 1400 700 1400 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 1400 700 700 700


  • Start the line with a # character for comments. You should put an empty comment between buttons, so it is easier to read.

Fields (for type: parsed)

For type: parsed entry, the fields are as follows...

  • The name field is the name of the button to show for the remote. The remote only shows the first part of the name, so keep it small.
  • The type field is parsed for a known protocol. (It will be raw for unknown protocol.)
  • The protocol field is the name of the protocol.
  • The address field is a 4-byte value. The value ranges from 00 00 00 00 to whatever maximum is supported by the protocol.
  • The command field is a 4-byte value. The value ranges from 00 00 00 00 to whatever maximum is supported by the protocol.

If the address or command is larger than the maximum value, an error will be logged and the parser will quit processing the file.

1173129 [I][InfraredRemote] load file: '/any/infrared/'
1197599 [E][InfraredSignal] Command is out of range (mask 0x000000FF): 0x54241202
1173129 [I][InfraredRemote] load file: '/any/infrared/'
1197599 [E][InfraredSignal] Address is out of range (mask 0x000000FF): 0x44332207

Fields (for type: raw)

For type: raw entry, the fields are as follows...

  • The name field is the name of the button to show for the remote. The remote only shows the first part of the name, so keep it small.
  • The type field is raw for an unknown protocol. (It will be parsed for known protocols.)
  • The frequency field is the frequency that the LED is pulsing when sending a signal. This is typically 38000, but also 36000 and 40000 are fairly common values.
  • The duty_cycle is the percentage of time (0 = 0%, 1.0 = 100%) the light is on during the pulse. This is typically 0.33, but 0.25 and 0.4 are common values.
  • The data is a series of positive microsecond values. The first number is ON, second is OFF, third is ON, etc.


Often a device will use only one address value. You can try learning a few buttons on the remote, then create an .IR file using the same address but different command values. Be sure to limit the command values from 0 to the maximum allowed value. For devices like TVs, you may discover additional IR commands; such as jumping direct to a particular source, powering off the device (without powering on), etc. Some devices may only react to certain input when you are in a particular mode (for example, CH+ on a TV might not do anything while you are in HDMI1 source instead of watching TV channels).

Some devices are composite devices, like a TV in a hotel, and may have one set for the TV: Power, Vol, etc. and another set for STB (set-top box): Ch+, Ch-, D-Pad, etc. In that case, looking at the TV power signal, you might be able to determine the signal to switch the Input.

Warning: Only perform fuzz testing on devices you have permission to test. It's possible that some TVs don't default back to the proper input when power cycled.


A good resource with a lot of Flipper Zero IR files is Flipper-IRDB

Generate files

Known protocol

You can generate an IR file in Python using the following script. Be sure to replace the protocol, address, cmd_min and cmd_max with your values. The values in the file are LSB instead of MSB, so a value of "FF 03 00 00" is written as 0x3FF and a value of "21 43 00 00" is written as 0x4321. It is recommended that the total number of buttons loaded be 256 or less.

with open('', 'w') as f:
    protocol = "NECext"
    address = "05 00 00 00"
    cmd_min = 0x4000
    cmd_max = 0x40FF

    f.write("Filetype: IR signals file\nVersion: 1\n")
    for i in range(cmd_min, cmd_max+1):
        cmd_hex_1 = hex(i % 256)[2:].zfill(2).upper()
        cmd_hex_2 = hex((i>>8) % 256)[2:].zfill(2).upper()
        cmd_hex_3 = hex((i>>16) % 256)[2:].zfill(2).upper()
        cmd_hex_4 = hex((i>>24) % 256)[2:].zfill(2).upper()
        cmd_str = f"#\nname: Cmd {cmd_hex_1} {cmd_hex_2} {cmd_hex_3} {cmd_hex_4}\n" \
                  "type: parsed\n" \
                  f"protocol: {protocol}\n" \
                  f"address: {address}\n" \
                  f"command: {cmd_hex_1} {cmd_hex_2} {cmd_hex_3} {cmd_hex_4}\n"

Laser Tag files (RAW files)

The python script below generates signals for a Winyea Tag Laser Tag Set. It generates entries with the last 4 bits trying all possible combinations, so you can discover the correct checksum value. Try to change the gun_id, team or weapons to values not listed in the code! For example, you can make a peaceful weapon that has "400 400 400 400" and won't take away any points but will still make the target vibrate.

with open('', 'w') as f:
    one_zero_pattern = "800 400 800 400 800 400 800 400" # 10101010
    zeros            = "400 400 400 400"                 # 0000  (space between properties)
    gun_id           = "400 800 800 400 400 400 400 400" # 01100000 (My first recorded gun ID, probably anything works?)
    team_blue        = "400 400 400 800"                 # Blue  (0001)
    team_red         = "400 400 800 400"                 # Red   (0010)
    team_green       = "400 400 800 800"                 # Green (0011)
    team_white       = "400 800 400 400"                 # White (0100)
    weapon_single    = "400 400 400 800"                 # Single shot (0001) 1 points
    weapon_laser     = "400 400 800 400"                 # Laser       (0010) 2 points
    weapon_plasma    = "400 400 800 800"                 # Plasma      (0011) 3 points
    weapon_tnt       = "800 400 400 800"                 # TNT         (1001) 9 points

    # Set the values for testing...
    team = team_red
    weapon = weapon_tnt

    cmd_min = 0   # 0000 checksum starts here
    cmd_max = 15  # 1111 checksum ends here
    f.write("Filetype: IR signals file\nVersion: 1\n")
    for i in range(cmd_min, cmd_max+1):
        cmd = hex(i)[2:].zfill(2).upper()
        checksum = ""
        checksum = checksum + "800 " if i & 0x8 else checksum + "400 "
        checksum = checksum + "800 " if i & 0x4 else checksum + "400 "
        checksum = checksum + "800 " if i & 0x2 else checksum + "400 "
        checksum = checksum + "800 " if i & 0x1 else checksum + "400 "
        cmd_str = f"#\nname: {cmd}\n" \
                "type: raw\n" \
                "frequency: 38000\n" \
                "duty_cycle: 0.330000\n" \
                f"data: 1600 {gun_id} {one_zero_pattern} {zeros} {team} {zeros} {weapon} {zeros} {checksum}\n"

Flipper APIs

The Flipper Zero has APIs to send both known protocols (such as NEC or Samsung32) or RAW signal timings.

Sending a known protocol

Include these header files:

#include <infrared.h>
#include <infrared/infrared_signal.h>

Determine the protocol you want to use for transmitting. In this example, we will be using a "Samsung32" with an address of 0x07 and a command of 0x0F (which is the Mute button). Replace Samsung32 with your protocol. Replace the 0x07 and 0x0F to match your address and command. The easiest way to determine the value is Infrared, Learn New Remote, then press the button on the remote.

    InfraredMessage message;
    message.protocol = infrared_get_protocol_by_name("Samsung32");
    message.address = 0x07;
    message.command = 0x0F;
    message.repeat = false;
    InfraredSignal* signal = infrared_signal_alloc();
    infrared_signal_set_message(signal, &message);
    if(infrared_signal_is_valid(signal)) {

Sending a RAW signal

Include these header files:

#include <infrared.h>
#include <infrared/infrared_signal.h>

Determine the raw timing. The easiest way to determine the value is Infrared, Learn New Remote, then press the button on the remote. You should see # samples then click the right button to Save, name the button (for example, RAW_power) and click Save. Click Edit, then choose Rename Remote, type in a name for the remote and click Save. In qFlipper open the File Manager tab, then navigate to SD Card/infrared. Right click on the IR file matching the name of the remote you created, and choose Download. Open the file in a text editor.

Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: Raw_power
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 2193 750 729 1421 777 1454 754 715 753 1478 751 719 728 715 753 716 773 1510 729 1501 728 1477 752 1505 755 1475 754 1477 721 749 751 772 696 102110 2246 748 720 1455 774 1430 747 723 746 1484 724 745 723 720 748 721 779 1477 752 1478 751 1480 749 1508 752 1478 751 1479 729 741 748 748 721 50743 2195 747 721 1454 775

Update the frequency, duty_cycle and the data below with the information from your file. Note: remember to add commas between data values!

    InfraredSignal* signal = infrared_signal_alloc();
    uint32_t frequency = 38000;
    float duty_cycle = 0.33f;
    uint32_t timings[] = {2193, 750, 729, 1421, 777, 1454, 754, 715, 753, 1478, 751, 719, 728, 715, 753, 716, 773, 1510, 729, 1501, 728, 1477, 752, 1505, 755, 1475, 754, 1477, 721, 749, 751, 772, 696, 102110, 2246, 748, 720, 1455, 774, 1430, 747, 723, 746, 1484, 724, 745, 723, 720, 748, 721, 779, 1477, 752, 1478, 751, 1480, 749, 1508, 752, 1478, 751, 1479, 729, 741, 748, 748, 721, 50743, 2195, 747, 721, 1454, 775};
    size_t timings_size = COUNT_OF(timings);
    infrared_signal_set_raw_signal(signal, timings, timings_size, frequency, duty_cycle);
    if(infrared_signal_is_valid(signal)) {