Public repo for BINF G4003 final project: Mapping Disease Representations from Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology to SNOMED-CT.
- Group: Janice Yang, Liangyu Zhao, Rong Ma, Zhenyu Zhang
Full code is found in ORDO_to_SNOMED.ipynb notebook file. The sequential steps in our mapping method:
- Case-insensitive exact string match to SNOMED disorder-tagged terms
- Find SNOMED atoms from existing UMLS CUI mappings, where available
- First-pass SNOMEDCT_US-restricted MetaMap: map if output is a single term with mapping score 1000
- Use existing ICD10 mappings, find corresponding SNOMED term if available, then get best fuzzy string match between ORDO concept and its synonyms, and the SNOMED term and its children terms.
- Re-run MetaMap on all remaining terms and use SNOMED's post-coordination format for combining, refining, or qualifying terms. More details on the complete algorithm can be found in our final paper writeup.
- Folder ORDO_info: Stores unmapped terms from each step as input into next step. Also contains ICD-SNOMED mapping dictionary.
- File ORDO_to_SNOMED.ipynb: full code for automated mapping of ORDO disease terms-->SNOMED CT.
- File replace_utf8.jar: Convert output files to UTF-8 encoding.
- Folder Results: Stores mapping results.
- Folder Vocabularies: Placeholder for folder to store vocabulary release files.