Dog vs. Cat tic-tac-toe is a challenge build a user interactive front-end application using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Want to play? Jump in!
- When the app first loads, the first player will be dog
* Note: Players should chose who wants to play first. - The next player will automatically be selected after each play.
- After each game, a winner is selected, their score is logged, and the game continues.
- Play as many times as you'd like, or click the clear scores button to clear the scores and start over.
- Ability to chose which player goes first.
- Automatic page refresh after tie game.
- Jani Palomino - @janitastic
The spec for this project can be found here.
- JavaScript
- Atom
- The local storage requirement of the project required me to rework the data model.
- Switching the player turns.
- Logging a score to local storage.
- Overall design and getting player images to cooperate.
- Tie game page timeOut.