Webpack 4 scaffold to build an ES6 / MATERIALIZE-CSS web frontend.
Server side:
- (Middle tier sources are not part of this package)
Client side:
- HTML5, SASS/CSS3, Javascript ES6, materialize-css (0.100.2)
- Nodejs/Babel/Webpack 4 for ES6 browser transpiling, source bundling and compressing
- Nodejs/node-sass for transpiling sass sources
$ git clone [email protected]:jankern/hearing-aid-webapp.git
$ cd hearing-aid-app
$ npm install
To develop and extend the sources webpack needs to be processed to compile the sources (each time files are being saved). Start the build in webpack development server
$ npm run build-dev
A browser will be opened at http://localhost:9000 to verfy code changes. SASS sources are stored in ./src/scss/ (landingpage styles have to be added to ./src/scss/partials/_content_landingpage.scss)
To build the sources for production purposes run
$ npm run build