Use Sreality to find an export estates in desired locations.
The portal Sreality is great tool to search for some estate. However, it quickly becomes painful when you look for specifics such distance to your parents, distance to work or infrastructure (water, sewage, gas) as the portal does not support using such criteria for search. Even more cumbersome is to catalogue and compare your findings. Therefore I made a tool that queries sreality using broad criteria, stores the results, scores each record according to our needs and then plots/prints the results.
- Telegram watchdog sending estates that you can react on. Reactions are then stored within DB for further processing
- Periodic watcher that downloads new estates according to your criteria
It's not a package therefore clone the repo and install requirements:
git clone
cd my-sreality
pip install -f requirements.txt
Run Watcher
reactions_db = db.ReactionsDb('<path-where-telegram-reactions-are-stored>')
estate_reader = er.EstateReader('<path-to-raw-estates-storage>')
estates_api = api.EstatesAPI(reactions_db,estate_reader)
timestamper = db.TimestampPersitor('<path-to-wacher-metadata>')
queue = db.DiscoveredQueue('<path-to-watcher-discovery-queue>')
# example advanced filter allowing filtering on custom fields
def filter_df(df):
df = df[(df['closest_station_km'] < 30) & (df['closest_station_name'] == 'Praha')]
df = df[df["Plocha pozemku"] > 500]
df = df[(df["Stavba"]!="Dřevostavba") & (df["Stavba"]!="Montovaná")]
df = df[df["reaction"].isnull()] # not previously seen
return df
estates_watcher = watcher.EstateWatcher(
filter_fn = filter_df,
interval_minutes = args.interval
Run Bot Can be in a separate process to watcher
reactions_db = db.ReactionsDb('<same-path-to-reactions>')
queue = db.DiscoveredQueue('<same-path-to-queue>')
params = bot.Param(
BOT_TOKEN_TELEGRAM, # you need to getit from telegram Father bot
telegram_bot = bot.create_bot(params)
The folder assets has these files:
- estate_score_map.json - maps technical state of the estate to a number
- stations.json - a list of station that we picked to live nearby (as we wish to commute by train) based on this
- default_sreality_query.json - query that's used to construct query
- reactions.json - mapping between categorical score and it's icon in telegram
- This readme is by no means a documentations. There is none so open the notebook and try for yourself or create an issue.
- Given obscure security of sreality, this may stop working at any moment.