Basic cross platform desktop application built with SailsJS, AngularJS and Electron
(currently working on it...)
- Cross platform desktop application built with Electron (Mac OS, Windows, Linux)
- Rest API built with Sailsjs (server App)
- User interface built in Angularjs (client App)
- NeDB, embedded persistent database with no dependency(except npm modules)
- User authentication and session control (JWT, register, login, logout)
- Simple Dashboard
- Custom context menu
- Grunt automatization,
compass, jshint, bower injection, watch, build, start the app, others...
- Browser mode (The task is appropiate just if the client side interface don't have dependencie of nodejs, otherwise the application will not work properly)
For use the electron-packager cli
npm i electron-packager -g
install root dependencies
$ npm install
install the server app dependencias (sails)
$ cd app/server
$ npm install
Toggle Dev Tools. Debug features using electron-debug.
- OS X: Cmd Alt I
- Linux: Ctrl Shift I
- Windows: Ctrl Shift I
Force reload the window.
- OS X: Cmd R
- Linux: Ctrl R
- Windows: Ctrl R
$ npm start
or directly run
$ grunt start
or run with developer tools open from the begining
$ npm run startd
- Build all bundles:
$ npm run build
- Build Mac os bundle:
$ npm run build-mac
- Build Windows 32:
$ npm run build-win32
- Build Windows 64:
$ npm run build-win64
- Build linux 32:
$ npm run build-linux32
- Build linux 64:
$ npm run build-linux64
Builds the app for OS X, Linux, and Windows, using electron-packager.
MIT © Jose Antonio Sanchez