from caregiver_recomm import Recommender
recomm = Recommender()
recomm.dispatch(speaker_id, evt)
- evt_dim: Event dimensions, default
- mock: Simulate the user interaction, default
- server_config: Remote server configuration, default
- client_id: client id
- url: server url
- speacker_id:
- evt: numpy array or python list
- reward_data: Information of all prompts sent to the phone are stored in this table This table holds the following: speakerID, empathid,TimeSent,suid,TimeReceived,Response,Question,QuestionType,QuestionName,Reactive, SentTimes,ConnectionError,Uploaded
- ema_storing_data: Information pertaining only to recommendation messages sent are stored in this table This table holds the following: time,event_vct,stats_vct,action,reward,action_vct,message_name,uploaded
- recomm_saved_memory: One row containing the unique deployment home id, baseline period time left in seconds, the most recent time the baseline period left was updated, morning start time, evening end time, and max messages. This table holds the following: deploymentID, baselineTimeLeft, lastUpdated, morningStartTime, eveningEndTime, maxMessages All are default to 'NA' except for maxMessages which defaults to 4
- ema_settings: Used to dynamically change prompts and answer choices
- ema_data: Used to retrieve prompt answer