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Merge model number and model fit into model summary table
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maltelueken committed Oct 10, 2023
1 parent ff99bee commit 1a3cab4
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 118 deletions.
155 changes: 37 additions & 118 deletions R/classicProcess.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,10 +50,8 @@ ClassicProcess <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
pathPlotContainer <- .procContainerPathPlots(jaspResults, options)
# Create path plots for each model and add to container
.procPathPlots(pathPlotContainer, options, modelsContainer)
# Create table with Hayes model numbers
.procModelNumberTable(jaspResults, options, modelsContainer)
# Create table with model fit indices (AIC, ...)
.procModelFitTable(jaspResults, options, modelsContainer)
.procModelSummaryTable(jaspResults, options, modelsContainer)
# Create container for parameter estimates for each model
parEstContainer <- .procContainerParameterEstimates(jaspResults, options)
# Create tables for parameter estimates
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -982,12 +980,15 @@ procModelGraphSingleModel <- function(modelOptions, globalDependent, options) {

.procModelNumberTable <- function(jaspResults, options, modelsContainer) {
if (!is.null(jaspResults[["modelNumberTable"]])) return()
.procModelSummaryTable <- function(jaspResults, options, modelsContainer) {
if (!is.null(jaspResults[["modelSummaryTable"]])) return()

modelNumberTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Model numbers"))
modelNumberTable$dependOn(c(.procGetDependencies(), "processModels"))
modelNumberTable$position <- 0
procResults <- lapply(options[["processModels"]], function(mod) modelsContainer[[mod[["name"]]]][["fittedModel"]]$object)
procResults <- .procFilterFittedModels(procResults)

summaryTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Model summary"))
summaryTable$dependOn(c(.procGetDependencies(), "processModels", "aicWeights", "bicWeights", "naAction"))
summaryTable$position <- 1

modelNumbers <- lapply(options[["processModels"]], function(mod) {
if (mod[["inputType"]] == "inputModelNumber") {
Expand All @@ -1001,140 +1002,58 @@ procModelGraphSingleModel <- function(modelOptions, globalDependent, options) {

modelNames <- sapply(options[["processModels"]], function(mod) mod[["name"]])

modelNumberTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model", title = "Model", type = "string" )
modelNumberTable$addColumnInfo(name = "modelNumber", title = "Hayes model number", type = "integer" )

modelNumberTable[["model"]] <- modelNames
modelNumberTable[["modelNumber"]] <- modelNumbers

jaspResults[["modelNumberTable"]] <- modelNumberTable

.procModelFitTable <- function(jaspResults, options, modelsContainer) {
if (!is.null(jaspResults[["modelFitTable"]])) return()

procResults <- lapply(options[["processModels"]], function(mod) modelsContainer[[mod[["name"]]]][["fittedModel"]]$object)
procResults <- .procFilterFittedModels(procResults)

fitTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Model fit"))
fitTable$dependOn(c(.procGetDependencies(), "processModels", "aicWeights", "bicWeights"))
fitTable$position <- 1

modelNames <- sapply(options[["processModels"]], function(mod) mod[["name"]])
isInvalid <- sapply(procResults, is.character)

fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Model", title = "", type = "string" )
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "AIC", title = gettext("AIC"), type = "number" )
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Model", title = "", type = "string" )
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "modelNumber", title = "Hayes model number", type = "integer" )
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "AIC", title = gettext("AIC"), type = "number" )
if (options[["aicWeights"]]) {
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "wAIC", title = gettext("AIC weight"), type = "number")
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "wAIC", title = gettext("AIC weight"), type = "number")
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "BIC", title = gettext("BIC"), type = "number" )
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "BIC", title = gettext("BIC"), type = "number" )
if (options[["bicWeights"]]) {
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "wBIC", title = gettext("BIC weight"), type = "number")
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "N", title = gettext("n"), type = "integer")
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Chisq", title = gettext("&#967;&sup2;"), type = "number" ,
overtitle = gettext("Baseline test"))
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Df", title = gettext("df"), type = "integer",
overtitle = gettext("Baseline test"))
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "PrChisq", title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue",
overtitle = gettext("Baseline test"))
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "dchisq", title = gettext("&#916;&#967;&sup2;"), type = "number" ,
overtitle = gettext("Difference test"))
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "ddf", title = gettext("&#916;df"), type = "integer",
overtitle = gettext("Difference test"))
fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "dPrChisq", title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue" ,
overtitle = gettext("Difference test"))

jaspResults[["modelFitTable"]] <- fitTable
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "wBIC", title = gettext("BIC weight"), type = "number")
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "logLik", title = gettext("Log-likelihood"), type = "number" )
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "N", title = gettext("n"), type = "integer")
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Df", title = gettext("df"), type = "integer")

jaspResults[["modelSummaryTable"]] <- summaryTable

if (length(procResults) == 0) return()

if (any(isInvalid)) {
errmsg <- gettextf("Model fit could not be assessed because one or more models were not estimated: %s", names(procResults)[isInvalid])

if (length(procResults) == 1) {
lrt <- jaspSem:::.withWarnings(lavaan::lavTestLRT(procResults[[1]])[-1, ])
rownames(lrt$value) <- names(procResults)
Ns <- lavaan::lavInspect(procResults[[1]], "ntotal")
} else {
Ns <- vapply(procResults, lavaan::lavInspect, 0, what = "ntotal")
lrtArgs <- procResults
names(lrtArgs) <- "object" # (the first result is object, the others ...)
lrtArgs[["model.names"]] <- modelNames
lrt <- try(jaspSem:::.withWarnings(, lrtArgs)))

if (inherits(lrt, "try-error")) {
errmsg <- gettext("Model comparison failed likely because one or more models did not converge")

lrt$value[1,5:7] <- NA
aic <- sapply(procResults, AIC)
bic <- sapply(procResults, BIC)
df <- sapply(procResults, lavaan::fitMeasures, fit.measures = "df")

fitTable[["Model"]] <- rownames(lrt$value)
fitTable[["AIC"]] <- lrt$value[["AIC"]]
fitTable[["BIC"]] <- lrt$value[["BIC"]]
fitTable[["N"]] <- Ns
fitTable[["Chisq"]] <- lrt$value[["Chisq"]]
fitTable[["Df"]] <- lrt$value[["Df"]]
fitTable[["PrChisq"]] <- pchisq(q = lrt$value[["Chisq"]], df = lrt$value[["Df"]], lower.tail = FALSE)
fitTable[["dchisq"]] <- lrt$value[["Chisq diff"]]
fitTable[["ddf"]] <- lrt$value[["Df diff"]]
fitTable[["dPrChisq"]] <- lrt$value[["Pr(>Chisq)"]]
summaryTable[["Model"]] <- modelNames
summaryTable[["modelNumber"]] <- modelNumbers
summaryTable[["AIC"]] <- aic
summaryTable[["BIC"]] <- bic
summaryTable[["logLik"]] <- sapply(procResults, lavaan::logLik)
summaryTable[["N"]] <- sapply(procResults, lavaan::lavInspect, what = "nobs")
summaryTable[["Df"]] <- df

if (options[["aicWeights"]]) {
fitTable[["wAIC"]] <- .computeWeights(lrt$value[["AIC"]])
summaryTable[["wAIC"]] <- .computeWeights(aic)
if (options[["bicWeights"]]) {
fitTable[["wBIC"]] <- .computeWeights(lrt$value[["BIC"]])
summaryTable[["wBIC"]] <- .computeWeights(bic)

# add warning footnote
if (!is.null(lrt$warnings)) {
fitTable$addFootnote(paste0(stringr::str_to_sentence(gsub("lavaan WARNING: ", "", lrt$warnings[[1]]$message)), "."))

if(options$naAction == "listwise"){
nrm <- lavaan::lavInspect(procResults[[1]], "norig") - lavaan::lavInspect(procResults[[1]], "ntotal")
if (nrm != 0) {
missingFootnote <- gettextf("A total of %g cases were removed due to missing values. You can avoid this by choosing 'FIML' under 'Missing Data Handling' in the Estimation options.",
fitTable$addFootnote(message = missingFootnote)

# add test statistic correction footnote
test <- lavaan::lavInspect(procResults[[1]], "options")[["test"]]
if(length(test) > 1)
test <- test[[2]]

if (test != "standard") {
LUT <- tibble::tribble(
~option, ~name,
"Satorra.Bentler", gettext("Satorra-Bentler scaled test-statistic"),
"Yuan.Bentler", gettext("Yuan-Bentler scaled test-statistic"),
"Yuan.Bentler.Mplus", gettext("Yuan-Bentler (Mplus) scaled test-statistic"),
"mean.var.adjusted", gettext("mean and variance adjusted test-statistic"),
"Satterthwaite", gettext("mean and variance adjusted test-statistic"),
"scaled.shifted", gettext("scaled and shifted test-statistic"),
"Bollen.Stine", gettext("bootstrap (Bollen-Stine) probability value"),
"bootstrap", gettext("bootstrap (Bollen-Stine) probability value"),
"boot", gettext("bootstrap (Bollen-Stine) probability value")
testname <- LUT[test == tolower(LUT$option), "name"][[1]]
ftext <- gettextf("Model tests based on %s.", testname)
fitTable$addFootnote(message = ftext)
if (any(df == 0)) {
summaryTable$addFootnote(message = gettext("At least one model is saturated (df = 0)."))

if (options$estimator %in% c("dwls", "gls", "wls", "uls")) {
fitTable$addFootnote(message = gettext("The AIC, BIC and additional information criteria are only available with ML-type estimators"))
summaryTable$addFootnote(message = gettext("The AIC, BIC and additional information criteria are only available with ML-type estimators"))

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