- start the server in the
folder - start the client (uses custom webpack configuration)
- go to
- npm i
- npm run start
- go to
- build the client with custom webpack
- npm run build
- install "http-server-spa" (what i chose as local server since it handles single page apps for us already)
- npm install http-server-spa -g
- serve the built project using "http-server-spa"
- npm run serve
- webpack configuration added
- the original react scripts are still there, didnt remove them in case you'd rather use those, but they're not referenced in package.json
- 'npm run start' and 'npm run build' use tthe webpack config i made
- added bootstrap for styling convenience
- removed the dependancy on just the bootstrap grid since now we had the whole thing
- used said grid instead of some hard-coded sizes
- removed deprecated react lifecycle functions
- refactored some code and tried respecting DRY coding principle