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Step 2 Connecting
In order to make the first connection to your Pwnagotchi we need to prepare your computer to know how to locate your Pwnagotchi. It supports OTG, which requires a data USB cable.
You now have an SD card with Pwnagotchi flashed onto it, put the SD card in the appropriate slot of your Raspberry Pi. If you have a Pi0W or Pi02W connect the micro USB side to the port closest to your HDMI port, and insert the USB-A side into your computer. The Pi3 will require a USB-A to USB-A data cable. If you have a Pi4 or Pi5 you can use the USB-C port to connect to your computer.
Alternatively if you use a Pi4/5 you can connect it with an ethernet cable to your internet modem or router and skip to #Connecting.
Download and unpack/zip the following driver.
Look for the 'Setup Information' file right click and press 'Install'
In your Device Manager
look for the following connection (COMx) with your RPi connected:
It may also be identified as an unknown USB device or something similar. When you disconnect the RPi the device should also disappear from the list, it is just a double check for the right connection. Now that you have the correct connection, right click it and select Update driver
and select Browse computer
and go to folder containing the driver you downloaded in the beginning. It should be recognized as follows:
[1] Open Control Panel > Network and Internet > View network status and tasks > Change Adapter Settings.
Right click the device with the sub-title 'USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget ##' [2] > Properties > Double click 'TCP/IPv4' and configure like below
Press OK and close the remaining menus.
To share internet to Pwnagotchi, open the control panel menu as above [1]. Select your main internet adapter (Wifi/Ethernet) right click, properties. Open the sharing tab at the top of the menu, enable the top tick button and select the new Ethernet adapter that Pwnagotchi is using [2].
Press OK and close the remaining menus.
Download the following script.
Click Download raw file
, and accept any security risks
Now you should open PowerShell as Administrator
. And run the following commands.
cd ~\Downloads
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
.\win_connection_share.ps1 -EnableInternetConnectionSharing
Answer the questions, and when it is done it may require a reboot.
- Open a terminal session
- type
and write down the device name of your wireless/ethernet adapter. The Pwnagotchi usually gets a name that starts withen
. wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jayofelony/pwnagotchi/master/scripts/linux_connection_share.sh
sudo chmod +x linux_connection_share.sh
(this will make it executable) - Edit the script as shown in the image above:
will be the USB device name (notice the starting-
.) -
will be your internet adapter name (notice the starting-
) - Leave the rest as is
- Run the script:
sudo ./linux_connection_share.sh
You should know that the connection might fail/disconnect a couple of times before it actually sticks. If it does fail repeat the last step. The device name will remain the same.
Every time you (re)connect your USB cable to the computer it will get a new device name.
If the RNDIS/Ethernet Gadget does not automatically connect System settings>Network, Click on the 3 dots in the lower right corner, Add service, and select the RNDIS/Ethernet Gadget in the drop down menu. Name it whatever you want really. now continue to the next section.
Click on the System settings>Network>service>Details>TCP/IP. Here you will configure your IP and subnet mask. Under the drop down menu for Configure IPv4, select Manually. For the IP address now you will set it to For the Subnet mask it will be Next we will set the DNS servers, Click on the service>Details>DNS, Add one, enter Add another, enter
You can now ssh into your Pwnagotchi
Currently, macOS’s built-in internet sharing seems to break ssh. The way I have found around this is using EvilSocket’s connection sharing script (Download here) To use this script you need your interface number, to obtain such number, use ifconfig. Note down your main interface (Usually en0 sometimes en1 if you use ethernet and wifi) You will also need to find the interface number of your pwnagotchi, find the interface with the IP of Note that number, for me en7.
Now, in a new terminal window. Type sudo sh. Drag the script you downloaded previously into the window, space once. Now enter the interface you're sharing from, for me en0 followed by a space the the interface you are sharing to. For me the command would look like sudo sh /Users/ryan/Downloads/macos_connection_share.sh en0 en7 Once you run this command you will be prompted for your password, enter said password and enter, you will see errors,
sharing connecting from upstream interface en0 to usb interface en7 ... net.inet.ip.forwarding: 0 -> 1 No ALTQ support in kernel ALTQ related functions disabled pf enabled pfctl: Use of -f option, could result in flushing of rules present in the main ruleset added by the system at startup. See /etc/pf.conf for further details.
This is normal, it means it worked! Now you can go over to your Pwnagotchi and ping google.com to make sure everything has worked!
I prefer SSH to connect as it will also stimulate me to learn how to use Linux commands and Linux OS in general. I hope you will also.
Default credentials are: pi/raspberry
DO NOT run apt-get upgrade if you do you will need to reflash and start over
- Open cmd.exe or a PowerShell session.
- type
ssh pi@
- Confirm the security message by entering
- Enter the default password
If you are using a Pi4/5 and are connected with an ethernet cable, you can look up your device's IP and connect like this:
ssh pi@<IP_of_your_pwn>
or ssh pi@pwnagotchi.lan
It will show a security message which you can confirm by typing yes
And then enter your password.
- Open a terminal session
- type
ssh pi@
- Confirm the security message by entering
- Enter the default password
If you are using a Pi4/5 and are connected with an ethernet cable, you can look up your device's IP and connect like this:
ssh pi@<IP_of_your_pwn>
or ssh pi@pwnagotchi.lan
It will show a security message which you can confirm by typing yes
And then enter your password.
- Open Terminal app
- type
ssh pi@
- Confirm the security message by entering
- Enter the default password
If you are using a Pi4/5 and are connected with an ethernet cable, you can look up your device's IP and connect like this:
ssh pi@<IP_of_your_pwn>
or ssh pi@pwnagotchi.lan
It will show a security message which you can confirm by typing yes
And then enter your password.
Previous: Installation Next up: Configuring your Pwnagotchi
Written by Jayofelony. All rights reserved.