description |
Microsoft C# based open-source projects for Salesforce. |
A collection of open-source tools developed in C# to help C# (or any other . NET programming languages) developers developing applications on Salesforce be more productive.
- ApexSharp API: An intelligent .NET (C#, F#, VB) wrapper for Salesforce Rest API
- ApexSharp Functions: C# (Microsoft . NET) Server Side SDK for Salesforce Functions
- Salesforce Functions API Specification: Specification to all anyone to develop a server-side SDK for Salesforce function in any programming language hosted in any cloud provider.
- ApexSharp Apex Parser:
- ApexSharp CovertToApex: Convert C# to Apex
- ApexSharp ConvertToCSharp: Conver Apex code to C#
- ApexSharp ApexLib: This provides 1-1 mapping between Apex class signatures and C# to allow Apex code to be developed on a local C# dev IDE.
- ApexSharp Api: C# Client for Salesforce Metadata and Tooling API
Demo Projects: Demos created using multiple open-source products in the C# ecosystem, including ours, demonstrate different use cases for Salesforce developers familiar with C#.
- ApexSharp.GPU: Using C# and GPU
- ApexSharp.gRPC: Connecting to Salesforce using Pub / Sub
- ApexSharp.ApexParser.Examples: Multiple demos showing how the ApexParser project can be used.